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乔,那么。Joe, then.

然后等待。Then wait.

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然后突袭他。Then pounce.

我们便会死去。Then we die.

于是他站了起来。Then he rose.

然后调用。And then call.

啊,像上帝一样。God-like, then.

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然后,他停顿了一下。Then he pauses.

那就是深渊。Then the abyss.

然后转身走掉。Then turn away.

便止步不前了。And then halted!

然后她笑了。She then smiled.

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然后我开车走了。Then I drove on.

然后他开始清点。Then he counted.

随后他就离开了我。Then he left me.

然后重新审视博弈Then look again.

她又停住了。Then she paused.

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然后向右拐。Then turn right.

然后我们就长大了。Then we grow up.

那谁来开车?Then who drives?