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这块表只是镀金的。The watch was only plated with gold.

铜合金,镀金,镀银,镀锡。Brass alloy, gold, silver & tin plated.

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约翰完成他的三垒打,并得了两分。John hit his triple and plated two runs.

随链坠附送镀铑项链。Complemented with a rhodium plated chain.

但是每一枚都含有6克金。But each is plated with six grams of gold.

镀银,镀锡,氟塑料绝缘安装电线。Silver , tin , plated Teflon insulated wires.

镀金铜质加一颗小钻。Bronze plated with gold and a smallish diamond.

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活字版一般都浇铸以增加其耐印力。For long press rans type forms are often plated.

一体成型无氧铜高纯度镀铑Y型喇叭端子。JAT OFC with Rhodium Plated Y type Speaker Terminal.

我们十分慷慨的主人直往我们盘于里堆食物。Our very generous host heaped over plated with food.

具高可焊性特殊电极端子。High solderability due to specially plated electrodes.

首批装甲舰是包着钢板的木船。The first ironclads were wooden ships plated with iron.

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世界似乎镀上了金红色,这是叶儿的舞台。The world as if the gold plated red, which is Yeer stage.

如李光头拥有一个镀金座便马桶。Baldy Li, for instance, has a toilet seat plated with gold.

首先,奥斯卡镀上铜以防止腐蚀。First, the Oscar is plated with copper to prevent corrosion.

合金材质的锁具会将镀层磨掉,失去美观的效果。The alloy lock may lose its plated surace, and its brightness.

这辆轿车将采用最新技术进行铠装和电镀。This car will be armored and plated using the latest technology.

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附奉同款水晶耳环和镀铑项链。Complimentary matching crystal earrings and rhodium plated chain.

餐桌上的镀银调味品瓶架引起了她的注意。The silver plated caster on the dining table catch her attention.

镀白金色戒指配以一大颗印地安蓝色爪镶水晶。Rhodium plated ring with a large Indian Sapphire prong set crystal.