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进入外锚地。Go to exterior anchorage.

外部回滑袋。Exterior back slip pocket.

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这所房子坐北朝南。The exterior of the house.

巴克斯神庙外观。Exterior of Temple of Bacchus.

房屋入口处的天桥和阶梯外观。Exterior entry bridge and stair.

该建筑外墙为全玻璃设计。All the exterior walls are glass.

外表冷淡,内心热情似火。The cool exterior.The fire below.

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接待外部滑和拉链口袋。Front exterior slip and zipper pockets.

是地球内营力,还是外营力?Is it interior force, or exterior force?

北九龙裁判法院外貌。Exterior of the North Kowloon Magistracy.

外景镜头是在百慕大拍摄的。The exterior shots were taken in Bermuda.

外面的门被风从门轴上吹掉下来。Exterior doors were blown off their hinges.

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外景是在青岛重拍的。The exterior shots were retaken in Qingdao.

房外的油漆容易开裂、脱落和褪色。Exterior paint tends to chip, peal and fade.

外部严重损毁的反应堆出现在我们面前。We could see the ravaged exterior of the reactors.

他粗暴的外表下藏着一颗非常善良的心。His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts.

他的肤色看上去苍白无光,但外表并不重要。His skin is pale, but the exterior is not what matters.

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绗缝外观设计保持绝缘转移。Quilted exterior design keeps insulation from shifting.

洞庭湖区水稻生产的外部成本高达4。The exterior costs of rice production was as high as 4.

外有重型的铁闸,并通过了栅栏。Exterior has heavy duty iron gate and fence through out.