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我们的行政机制也在改善。We also got better bureaucracy.

对于官僚主义,群众是不买帐的。The masses won't go for bureaucracy.

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僚主义是我们社会的弊端。Bureaucracy is the cancer of our society.

官僚主义和公司政治一言堂。Bureaucracy and company politics rule the day.

我面临的最大的问题就是官僚主义。The biggest problem I face is the bureaucracy.

官僚主义使整个机构瘫痪了。The bureaucracy paralyzes the entire operation.

他责怪巴西的官僚主义造成了这种阻碍。He blames Brazilian bureaucracy for this set-back.

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可见是反映元代的官制。Bureaucracy can be seen to reflect the Yuan Dynasty.

官僚主义产生了使生活化的条条框框。Bureaucracy spawns many rules that complicate our life.

官僚主义可说是我们的心腹之患。Bureaucracy may be said as a disease in our very vitals.

案例积压加之官僚主义造成移民程序长达数年之久。Backlogs and bureaucracy means the process can take years.

而且,也许你辞掉上一份工作就是为了逃离官僚主义。You may even have quit your last job to escape bureaucracy.

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然而他需要巨大的毅力去和开罗的官员周旋。But he needed immense patience to deal with Cairo’s bureaucracy.

这使得希腊政府的官僚能任意摆布参与交易的人。This puts consenting adults at the mercy of the Greek bureaucracy.

通过消除不必要的官僚作风,许多企业已经变得机动灵活。Many firms have become nimbler by removing unnecessary bureaucracy.

这样的规章似乎是在人们购物上加了一层新的官僚作风。The regulations add a fresh layer of bureaucracy to doing the shopping.

一直以来,盖茨都在学习如何使官僚机构屈从他的意志。All the while, Gates was learning how to bend a bureaucracy to his will.

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在现代中国的官僚体系中,绍兴人依然占据很大份额吗?AreShaoxing people still over represented in modern China's bureaucracy?

在国内,美国将大量资源转移到安全部门。At home, America has diverted vast resources into a security bureaucracy.

规模扩张也会带来管理成本的增加。Increasing size also brings increased cost of administrative bureaucracy.