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祷告词是为炼狱中的灵魂念的。Prayers were said for souls in Purgatory.

丈夫冯矬子从那苦熬的炼狱中获释了。Husband von from from that for purgatory released.

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据说每吃掉一个“灵魂饼”,就会有一个灵魂被从炼狱中拯救出来。Each cake eaten would represent a soul being freed from Purgatory.

他毫无耐性,对他来说排队等候完全是活受罪。He's so impatient that waiting in queues is sheer purgatory for him.

因此高盛现在每天都处于监管的炼狱之中,同时意味着巴菲特每天都能白拿钱。So every day that Goldman is in regulatory purgatory means more free money for Buffett.

根据林诉美案,台湾国籍被旧金山和约界定为政炼狱。Under Lin v. US, the Formosan nationality was put in terms of political purgatory of SFPT.

尽管检测结果是阳性的可能性极小,这两周的时间也绝对像是炼狱。Although it’s highly unlikely your results well be positive, those two weeks are like purgatory.

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地狱、炼狱和天堂看起来似乎相异,如同绝望、忧惧和拯救的确据。Hell, purgatory , and heaven seem to differ the same as despair, fear, and assurance of salvation.

最终,不知名的演员们化作了3张不可磨灭的面孔,而这块土地成为了对炼狱的一瞥。By the end an unknown cast has become a trio of indelible faces, a patch of land a glimpse of purgatory.

被忽视的感冒所构成的威协对医生来说,正如地狱所构成的威协之对牧师——都是一座金矿。The threat of a neglected cold is for doctors what the threat of purgatory is for priests – a gold mine.

牧师余也成功的释放了超度了客户前女友的灵魂。Clerical Yuye released release souls from purgatory successfully the soul of the cummer before the client.

漂亮的女人是眼睛的天堂,灵魂的地狱,钱包的炼狱。---N.尚福尔。A beautiful woman is paradise for the eyes, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the purse. ---Nicholas Chamfort.

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然而,那却是一个漫无止境的欲求,由过度的购物,饮食,旅游,和工作而组成的欲求。Instead, it is actually a purgatory of limitless wanting, made up of over shopping, eating, traveling and working.

教皇可以通过免罪罚来支取,这样灵魂在炼狱里“获救”了一段时间。This could be made available by the pope through indulgences by which the soul was "let-off" a certain period in purgatory.

在学校忙忙碌路,生活?遥远!或许那已不叫生活炼狱?发疯似的题,卷子。我们怎么这么累???Busy busy road in the school life? Remote! Perhaps that is not living purgatory? Crazy like that, Juanzi. How we so tired? ? ?

直到1582年,地图才进一步地将审判所——炼狱、地狱的外层和内层描绘出来。As late as 1582, one map of the world went further, depicting the sites of Judgment, Purgatory and the outer and inner circles of Hell.

如同事实上的事情,教宗赦免涤罪中的灵魂无罪,因根据教义上的法规,他们应已在生命中付出代价。As a matter of fact, the pope remits to souls in purgatory no penalty which, according to canon law, they should have paid in this life.

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有的人说婚姻是安全的避难所,甚至说是天堂,但对于我来说,它简直是地球上的炼狱。Some people talk of marriage as a safe haven, heaven even, but for me it has turned out to be nothing less than purgatory here on earth.

鬼见怜的,已经四个多钟头了!”约翰·罗洛答道,“但愿将来下了地狱,这四个钟头能计算在我进炼狱的净罪时间里。By the grace of the devil, " returned Joannes Frollo, " over four hours, and I sincerely trust they may be deducted from my time in purgatory.

就是暂时不得见天主的圣容,不得享天堂的福乐以外,灵魂还得受别的苦。The souls in Purgatory are shut out temporarily from seeing God. They do not enjoy the happiness of Heaven and have to endure other sufferings also.