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视频显示图元文件?。VDM? Video Display Metafile?

无法从项目图元文件中更新项目。Cannot update project from project metafile.

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现在,我们要体现在每一件事我们绘制的图元文件。Now, we must reflect every thing we draw in the metafile.

在这个节目您可以选择保存图元文件。In this program you are given the option to Save Metafile.

编辑以下列表中元文件元素的值。Edit values for the metafile elements in the following list.

如果有兴趣,还可以增加元文件。If there's interest in adding metafile support, let me know.

重设大小时,中继档保存的影像优于点阵图。When resized, a metafile preserves an image better than a bitmap.

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对所绘制的图元文件进行缩放和剪切,以适合平行四边形的大小。The drawn metafile is scaled and sheared to fit the parallelogram.

此方法枚举包含在指定图元文件中的记录。This method enumerates the records contained in the specified metafile.

下图显示的是套用于中继档的类似转换。The following illustration shows a similar transformation applied to a metafile.

一些现有的代码以显示从剪贴板图元文件,都可能使用。Some existing code to display a metafile from the clipboard, both of which may be of use.

元文件设备描述表的使用,如何利用兼容DC实现图形的保存和再现。Metafile device use, how to use DC-compatible graphics realize the preservation and reproduction.

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如果源设备上下文标识了增强元文件设备上下文,记录增强元文件时,则出错。When an enhanced metafile is being recorded, an error occurs if the source device context identifies an enhanced-metafile device context.

你要小心,创建从图元的图形对象后你得到的本机句柄是不可能的,你会看到代码不具有相同的异常。Do beware that creating a Graphics object from the metafile after you've obtained the native handle is not possible, you'll see that code fail with the same exception.