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乔装的魔鬼。Devil 1N disguise.

他是乔装打扮跟过来的。He even came here in disguise.

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他定是个乔装打扮的王子喽。He must be a prince in disguise.

没有人看破他的假装。Nobody saw through his disguise.

灾祸是福,塞翁失马焉知非福。Disaster is blessing in disguise.

这假胡子是他的伪装用品。This false beard is his disguise.

有些人说他是个乔装的绅士。Some said he was a toff in disguise.

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队长看穿了他的伪装。The captain saw through his disguise.

他乔装打扮了一下就混进了舞厅。He went into the ballroom in disguise.

我可以乔装打扮一下。I can make up and disguise myself here.

你是假扮天使的恶魔!You are Belial which disguise an Angel.

她试图掩饰自己的真实情感。She tried to disguise her real feelings.

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我把自己伪装成一个猪倌。I have to disguise myself as a swineherd.

这位皇帝喜欢微有私访。The emperor liked travelling in disguise.

秋的景色是最富于情感的伪装的。Autumn scenery is rich emotional disguise.

被开除对我来说是因祸得福。Being cut loose was a blessing in disguise.

但别卸除你身上的伪装。But don't take that disguise off your body.

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他化装混到毒品贩子当中。He went among the drug dealers in disguise.

岂知这是上帝化装的祝福。The lion was God's opportunity in disguise.

可惜无论是什么样的装假,我都痛恨。But disguise of every sort is my abhorrence.