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这已足以向我们证明他是澳大利亚皇家海军悉尼号的水兵。That was enough to convince us he was an HMAS Sydney sailor.

在战役中,HMAS珀斯号被击沉,霍巴特号受到损伤后开向锡兰。During the battle HMAS Perth was sunk and Hobart was damaged before proceeding to Ceylon.

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他说,如果其余的澳大利亚皇家海军悉尼号船的亲人们自告奋勇,我们会为他们检测DNA。If relatives of the remaining HMAS Sydney crew come forward, they will be DNA tested, he says.

于1941年沉没于澳大利亚西海岸,现在它的残骸终于被找到了。The wreckage of HMAS Sydney, sunk off the West Australian coast in 1941, has at last been found.

这个伙计处在接受德国炮弹那一端,又成功地上了澳大利亚皇家海军悉尼号的救生艇。This guy had been on the receiving end of German artillery, and had made it into an HMAS Sydney raft.

澳洲皇家海军舰艇卧龙岗号在离圣诞节岛12海里处拦截了该船。The navy patrol vessel HMAS Wollongong intercepted the boat about 12 nautical miles off Christmas Island.

三个月以后,1940年1月,HMAS霍巴特协助了护送第一护航队运载澳大利亚军队去了中东。Three months later, in January 1940, HMAS Hobart assisted in escorting the first convoy carrying the Australian Army to the Middle East.

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HMAS悉尼与德国海盗船鸬鹚号交战并击沉了它,但自身严重受损,最后在开往地平线上被发现。HMAS Sydney had engaged and sunk the German Raider Kormoran but was severely damaged and was last sighted sailing off towards the horizon.

在1940年,作为HMAS“澳大利亚”号上的1名18岁海军军校学生,我们去过北极圈内的熊岛,因此我获得了这枚勋章。As an 18 year Midshipman in HMAS Australia in 1940, we spent time off Bear Island, well above the Arctic Circle and so I qualified for this Award.

这是他鉴定那个在澳大利亚最大海难——1941年澳大利亚皇家海军悉尼号沉没事件发生后成功上岸的男人的最好机会。It was his best chance to identify the one man who had made it to shore after Australia’s greatest naval tragedy – the 1941 sinking of HMAS Sydney.

1985年,中国购买了1.7万吨,前澳大利亚皇家海军的航空母舰,驱逐舰墨尔本作为废铁,她终于打破了大连。In 1985 China purchased the 17,000-ton former Royal Australian Navy aircraft carrier, HMAS Melbourne as scrap, and she was finally broken up in Dalian, China.

在1941年3月印度洋上,HMAS堪培拉号拦截德国补给船科堡号和油轮克提布洛维格号,那两艘船上的船员破坏船只。In the Indian Ocean in March 1941, HMAS Canberra intercepted the German supply ship Coburg and oiler Ketty Brovig and both ships were scuttled by their crews.

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中国海军护卫舰“洛阳号”与来华访问的澳大利亚海军“瓦拉蒙加”号护卫舰23日在中国黄海某海域举行联合军事演练。The Chinese naval frigate Luoyang, and the visiting Australian HMAS Warramunga, successfully completed a live-fire exercise in the waters of China's Yellow Sea on Sept. 23.

本片讲述了这艘消失在偏僻的大洋中的军舰以及一直坚信能找到它的搜索队的故事。The Hunt for HMAS Sydney tells the incredible story of a ship lost in the middle of nowhere and that of the dedicated search team who always had a strong belief they would find it.

中国和澳大利亚正在举行首次联合军事演习。演习包括实弹射击。美国和中国关系较为紧张,演习邀请美国参加。The Australian frigate, HMAS Warramunga, participated in the first live-firing exercise of its kind with the Chinese navy off the Shandong Peninsular in the Yellow Sea in north-eastern China.

太阳极速常青藤轿车打破了太阳能汽车在诺瓦的信天翁海军基地里的简易机场创造了记录,跑出了超过每小时88公里的速度,大大超过了先前的每小时79公里的速度。The Sunswift IVy car broke the world solar car speed record at the HMAS Albatross navy base airstrip in Nowra, travelling at more than 88kmh, significantly faster than the previous record of 79kmh.