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我还看见过橡树林中留存着的砖头。I have seen bricks amid the oak copse there.

声音从一片稀稀拉拉的杂树林中传来。The voices were coming from a copse of straggly trees.

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左边的地平线上可以望见附近的森林边缘地带。On the left the horizon was bounded by the copse close by.

仅次于科普斯矗立着微妙的透明亭子。Just behind the copse stands a delicately transparent pavilion.

泰坦们拔起大树,并且掷出一阵乱石答复了他。The Titans acknowledgmented him by a battery of great rocks and upabiding copse.

救护站是在小白桦树林边塔了三个卷着边的帐篷。The ambulance station consisted of three tents, pitched at the edge of a birch copse.

在奥尔洛夫·杰尼索夫伯爵右方,我们的纵队本应在那片裸露的斜坡上出现。On the open copse on Count Orlov-Denisov's right our columns ought to have been visible.

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最后,我们站了起来跑过北草坪到最近的灌木林里。Eventually we got to our feet and ran across the North Lawn to the nearest copse of trees.

为什么这个年老女士会对一片毫无用处的老灌木林如此紧张呢?Why was this old woman making such a fuss about an old copse which was of no use to anybody?

后备军人们把安德烈公爵抬到林边,那儿停着几辆大车,救护站就在那儿。The militiamen carried Prince Andrey to the copse , where there were vans and an ambulance station.

日当午,他们把猎犬放进长满茂密的幼林的峡谷。In the middle of the day they set the hounds into a ravine covered with thickly growing young copse.

我站在美国内战转折点现场中心的杂树林里。I have stood at the copse of trees that was in the center of this turning point of America's Civil War.

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他们的后边是一个小灌木林,他们的前面是缀着白花的草皮,往下绵延到一个悬崖的顶。Behind them lay a little copse. Before them the turf, dotted with white flowers, sloped down to the brow of a cliff.

你可能会迷路——去年我花了一个半小时才从紧挨着M25高速公路的小灌木丛走出来——但是肯定死不了。You may get lost – last year I spent an hour and a half trying to escape an overgrown copse right next to the M25 – but you probably won't die.

在那片长满白桦和枞树的森林里,大路的右边,科洛恰修道院的十字架和钟楼远远地在太阳下闪光。In this copse of birch- and pine-trees, on the right of the road, could be seen far away the shining cross and belfry of the Kolotsky monastery.

他很幸运地从法军中间疾驰而过,已经驰近森林之后的田野,我军官兵正穿过森林逃跑,他们不听口令,迳直往山下走去。Galloping successfully between the French forces, he reached the field behind the copse across which our men were running downhill, not heeding the word of command.

但是我们视线范围内的反对派车辆都在逃离这里,太远了,我们没法上车,于是便向沙漠更深处跑去,找了一小片树丛当掩护。But the only rebel vehicles in sight were fleeing the scene and we weren’t close enough to get in, so we ran deeper into the desert to take cover in a small copse of trees.

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在波罗底诺和凸角堡之间的战场上,在树林附近,在两边都看得见的空地上,主要的战斗是用最简单,最普通的方式进行的。The chief action of the day was fought in the simplest and the most artless fashion on the open space, visible from both sides, between Borodino and the flèches by the copse.

我明白他的意思,尽管如此,我还是必须跑到那片灌木林,并把那包珍宝藏匿于其中。那包裹里有着精美与神奇的东西,非人手可锻造。I knew what he had meant, however, that I had to reach the copse and put this treasure there, this splendid and magical thing that was inside the bundle, "not made by human hands."