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想要摔角吗?Wanna wrestle?

你会摔交吗?。Can you wrestle ?

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那就是摔跤。That was to wrestle.

明天,我们将搏击长空!Tomorrow, we'll wrestle vast sky!

新德里人民上演抢水的角力。People wrestle in Delhi for water.

让你的恐惧屈服于你。Wrestle your fear into submission.

格斗是一种综合性的对抗技击。Wrestle is an all-round counterwork.

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你看阿亮在跟鸭子玩摔角。Hey, look at Sundance wrestle his duck.

他们下月要进行一场摔跤比赛。They are going to wrestle a match next month.

很早以前我就懂得,永远不要与猪争斗。I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig.

你可知道,跟一个疯女人摔角是怎么一回事吗?Do you know what it is to wrestle with a madwoman?

二人狗咬狗般的追捕和互相角力又开始了!Two dog like to hunt and wrestle each other again!

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拥抱怪兽,让你的恐惧向你屈服。Hug the monster. Wrestle your fear into submission.

守卫们把胖子费力地挪到担架上抬走了。The guards wrestle Fat-Ass onto a stretcher and carry him off.

我们仍然要角力与吊杆和剪辑坑的衣服。We still have to wrestle with hangers and clips to hang clothes.

他嗾使人去劝他跟那个有名的摔跤师去摔跤。He set on people to persuade him to wrestle with the famous wrestler.

它是统治者与被统治者之间的角力,也是强者与弱者之间的拔河。It is a wrestle between the ruler and the ruled, the strong and the weak.

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她告诉她的叔叔,她要嫁给在摔角中能胜过她的人。She told her uncle she would marry any man who could wrestle her and win.

所有的定价引擎应该满足信息详尽、高速和精确三个标准。All faring engines must wrestle with comprehensiveness, speed, and accuracy.

一个月之内,当我再试图让Daisy穿裤子的时候,她就开始大发脾气。Within a month, Daisy threw a tantrum when I tried to wrestle her into pants.