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由于全国到处发生水灾,所余合同恐无法完成。Afraid contract balance unimplemented owing flood up country.

但是,基于应用程序的模式目前还基本没有实现。Application-based mode is, however, largely unimplemented at the moment.

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各种已执行、未执行预算额度及明细的分析查询。Analysis and inquiry of all implemented and unimplemented budget line and details.

对于没有实施的授信额度,依照约定条件和规定予以终止。Terminating the unimplemented credit line according to the covenants and provisions.

其中一家的主管最近向我表示,最终得不到执行的冗长啰嗦的报告应该被摒弃。The head of one told me recently that long-winded reports that end up unimplemented need to go.

属性使任何要实现的接口的未实现方法自动被编码成空方法。Attribute causes any unimplemented method of any implemented interface to be automatically coded as an empty method.

伺服器拒绝了EHLO和HELO命令,可能是不明或未实作。请洽询伺服器系统的管理员。The server rejected both EHLO and HELO commands as unknown or unimplemented . Please contact the server's system administrator.

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该战略还包括以前道路安全计划未实施的提案,其中包括一个每月能够提供6千小时执法的固定和移动的摄像机网络。Unimplemented initiatives from previous road safety plans are included, including a network of fixed and mobile cameras capable of providing 6,000 hours' enforcement per month.

道路安全战略上周由内阁批准。里面有120多条建议,还包括许多新的想法以及前几个战略里没有事实的任务。The Road Safety Strategy was approved by Cabinet last week. It makes more than 120 recommendations and contains a mixture of new ideas and unimplemented targets from previous plans.

但你是很难说服那些参与编写规范的人接受尚未实现的特性,已实现的特性更有可能被列入为规范新项目的基础。But it was hard to convince those involved to write specifications for unimplemented features, and implemented features were likely to become the basis of new items in the specification.

我开始将我单元测试中初始化任务库各个类的范例代码替换成我尚未实现的DSL的范例代码,并且修改了数次,直到我满意为止。I began by replacing the example code in my unit test which instantiates the task library’s classes with example code for my unimplemented DSL and revised it several times until I was satisfied.