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我觉患上她是个小可爱。I think she is a cutie.

我问这个漂亮的棘手。I asked this cutie hottie.

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我爱你,钟嘉欣!!!I love you, cutie Linda! ! !

那个可爱的设计师。又送了你一件?…That cutie designer made you another one ?

打扮的女孩,在这个流行的甜心…Dress up the cutie in this fashion game for girls.

是啊,这辆宝贝儿车可花了不少钱。Yeah. This cutie really has knocked me back a lot.

但是你还没有尝过我做的秋葵汤你好吗小可爱?But you haven't tasted my gumbo. How you doing, cutie ?

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你的男朋友真可爱,他有没有其他可爱的朋友啊。Your boyfriend is a cutie patootie. Does he have any cute friends?

所以,你看到了吧!变形金刚里漂亮的女孩和特里萨嬷嬷联系只需要简单六步。There you have it! Transformer cutie to Mother Theresa in six easy steps.

汤普森说,后来,杜达什拨通911报警电话,要求那个“可爱警察”再去她家一趟。Thompson said Dudash then called 911, asking that the "cutie pie" deputy return.

点击你想要的项目菜单上和它们拖动到这神奇的泡沫从甜心。Click on the items you want on the menu and drag them to this cutie from the magic bubble.

傅颖也礼上往来,送上可爱的亲笔老虎画。What a surprise, Theresa returns a reciprocal gift to Kenny – her hand drawing a cutie tiger.

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死亡的可爱驾驶室被称为诗的音乐制作与愿望和心脏问题的交易。Death Cab for Cutie is known for making poetic music that deals with desire and problems of the heart.

而可爱的南达科他州•安定错过“被迫”显示,使我能顺利地进行了不好的印象。While the cutie Dakota•valium Miss " forced " show, make me the bad impression to be continued smoothly.

大多数情况下催泪电影都是以可爱动物或年轻人死亡的镜头来展示的。For the most part tearjerkers may still mostly come in the form of cutie animals and photogenic young people dying.

已经有消息证实,女演员佐伊·丹斯切尔和乐队主唱本·吉巴德已经和平分手。It has confirmed that actress Zooey Deschanel and Death Cab for Cutie musician and singer Ben Gibbard have separated.

如图所示,这个可爱的小傢夥遗传了威廉王子的金发碧眼和凯特漂亮的鼻子和牙齿。The photo above shows that the cutie is a mix of Wills' blond hair, blue eyes and Kate's dainty nose and perfect teeth.

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麦当娜和盖·里奇的儿子罗克以及莎拉·杰西卡·帕克和马修·布罗德里克的女儿詹姆斯·威尔吉也进入了前十名。Madonna and Guy Ritchie's son Rocco and Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick's cutie James Wilkie were also voted into the top 10.

毕业舞会即将来临,老友宾尼、胆大鸭及一众好友被怂恿“争取机会,邀请美女共舞”。Prom-ise Her Anything – As Prom Night nears , Buster, Plucky and other fellas are encouraged to"take a chance, ask a cutie to the dance."

“他是在做这个相当开放的,”札记之一迈阿密天主教谁知道可爱好,有婚姻经历和他的辅导。"He was doing this fairly out in the open, " notes one Miami Catholic who knows Cutié well and has undergone marriage counseling with him.