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因此,打压开始了。So the squeeze began.

我把弹簧挤在一起。I squeeze these springs.

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把糖衣挤开。You squeeze the icing on.

挤出玫瑰花露。Squeeze the rose water out.

按下快门键。Squeeze the shutter button.

仁慧挤出了苦涩的笑容。RenHui squeeze bitter smile.

我想我们可以给你挪个位子。I think we can squeeze you in.

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对,孩子,挤过去。OK, son, just squeeze through.

我只是想要挤一颗青春痘。I just want to squeeze a whelk.

你侧着身就能挤过去。You can squeeze through sideways.

纸板潮得都发酥了,手一捏就碎。She gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

他能紧压时刻为您。He is able to squeeze time for you.

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挤压石灰填补姜汁啤酒。Squeeze lime fill with ginger beer.

挤出一子弹杯的量。Squeeze out a shot glass-size amount.

不要紧压也不要采摘在丘疹。Do not squeeze or pick at the pimples.

我小心翼翼地挤过这群人。I squeeze carefully through the crowd.

实际上是去挤死他!But really I will squeeze him to death!

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把番茄末放筲萁中过滤成番茄汁。Squeeze tomatoes through sieve into bowl.

我只好从人群里挤过去了。I had to squeeze my way through the crowd.

我的那位昨晚把我全榨干了。My main squeeze cleaned me out last night.