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我自觉无资格就此问题发言。I feel unqualified to speak on the subject.

新经理解雇了所有不胜任工作的工人。The new manager kissed all unqualified workers off.

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不合格的大学毕业生是一个严重的问题。Unqualified college graduates are a serious problem.

他们的专家身份本身就是不合格且荒谬的。They're absurdly unqualified to be considered experts.

初步调查牵连了不合格的电焊工人。A preliminary investigation implicates unqualified welders

在冯先生小时候教他的老师很多就是没有从业资格的。Many of the teachers Feng had growing up were unqualified.

大概我遇到了一个假学霸。Maybe I am a sham, unqualified for my identity as a student.

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不合格的密封圈,卫生指标达不到保障。Potentially harmful to your health due to unqualified silicone.

如发现有不合格则整批将返工或调整。If found to be unqualified then batch will rework or adjustment.

商务酒店没有足够的非技术工人。There aren't enough Unqualified Workers for the business hotels.

这个题目只要求记忆三种审计师的意见。Auditor's opinion . The concepts relating to Unqualified opinion.

不懂装懂的意见只会让一个人听上去愚蠢而自大。Unqualified opinions just make a person sound foolishly arrogant.

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托马斯爵士可不这么痛高兴快地破即容许。Sir Thomas could not give so instantaneous and unqualified a consent.

不合格项目主要是微生物指标与酸价。The unqualified project is microorganism index and acid value mainly.

弄清原因之后,若确实是我方的责任,我们一定负责妥善处理的。If it is because of the unqualified products, we will properly deal with it.

新任主席革退了那些没有取得正式资格的技术人员。The new chairman has dismissed those unqualified members of the technical staff.

2006年4月7日,亨利在自己的博客上发了一篇非常另类的博文。On April 7, 2006, Henley made a one-word entry to his blog, Unqualified Offerings.

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一个过筛子,质量不合格的产品一律返工。You must go over all the products by yourself, and those unqualified must be redone.

喷气燃料中微生物的危害极大,会导致喷气燃料银片腐蚀不合格。Microorganisms harm jet fuels greatly and cause unqualified silver strip corrosion tests.

尤其是色容差,色容差超标往往会给予不合格的判定。Especially the color tolerance, color tolerance levels tend to give unqualified judgement.