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这种抗寒力可保持一个月。The cold hardiness could keep one month.

坚韧性人格对心理健康没有间接预测作用。Hardiness has no indirect effect on mental health.

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另外,蛋白质的化学耐性也被仔细检查。The protein's chemical hardiness is also scrutinized.

看来坚韧是成功的基本要素。It seems to me that hardiness is the chief essential for success.

名列下面康抗寒性和熟更早一些。It ranks below Concord in cold hardiness and ripens somewhat earlier.

精神、毅力比你的起点更重要。It is spirit, fortitude, and hardiness that matter more than where you start.

它们的魅力特性一般包含适应性与耐久力。Their attractive characteristics frequently include adaptability and hardiness.

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马雷夏尔福煦是一个充满活力,早熟品种,具有良好的抗寒性。Marechal Foch is a vigorous, early-ripening variety, with good winter hardiness.

比较而言,坚韧性人格对男性心理症状的预测作用要好于女性。Comparatively, hardiness predicts mental health better in male than that's in female.

以提高抗寒性、越冬性为日标,开展黄花苜蓿和紫花苜蓿的杂交育种。Cold and winter hardiness were as the indexes for breeding program in Medic'ago sativa.

即正面情绪、主控信念、坚强人格、希望和自我效能。It concludes the positive affect, locus of control, hardiness , hope and self-efficacy.

解决香蕉的寒害问题,关键在于提高香蕉的抗寒力。In order to solve the problem, the linchpin is to increase the cold hardiness of banana.

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抗寒一直很好在日内瓦,纽约,葡萄藤也耐受几种主要疾病。Hardiness has been good at Geneva, New York, and the vines are resistant to several major diseases.

综述了国内外在野牛草耐寒性研究方面取得的研究进展,并总结了影响耐寒力的主要因素。The headway and main factors of winter hardiness study of buffalograss were summarized in this paper.

例如,一些研究人员先前曾试图将杂草抗寒特性引入粮食作物。For instance, some researchers previously looked at introducing the hardiness of weeds into food crops.

这种生长速度和耐寒性变化的趋势是与内地群体发现的情况相反。The growth rate and winter hardiness trends are the opposite of those found in the interior population.

大,甜白菜生长在山东是著名的中央为他们微妙的风味和抗寒性。The large, sweet cabbages grown in central Shandong are renowned for their delicate flavor and hardiness.

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寄主植物是影响昆虫抗寒力的重要因素之一。Host-plants are one of the important factors that they affect significantly the cold hardiness of insects.

难道这些土著们的吃苦耐劳就不能与文明人的聪明睿智相互结合吗?Is it impossible to combine the hardiness of these savages with the intellectualness of the civilized man?

但杂种的抗寒性强弱由其抗寒性强的亲本起主导作用。But, for the winter hardiness of hybrids, the parent with strong winter hardiness played an important role.