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多娜到她的朋友莉塔家闲谈。Donna call on her friend kith for a chat.

这样的争吵甚至会在自己的亲戚和朋友之间发生。Such quarrels take place even among one's own kith and kin.

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宁可让亲人责备,切勿让敌人亲吻。Better be blamed by our kith and kin than be kissed by the enemy.

唐三彩还可作为高雅而珍贵的礼品用来馈赠亲友。They are also elegant and valuable presents for your kith and kin.

饼有很多款式,在亲友之间,彼此均有赠送。Cake has many style, between kith and kin , each other have equally giving as a gift.

我们可以不同意他们的政见,但是我们应该记住他们是我们的至亲好友。We may not agree with their politics, but we should remember that they are our kith and kin.

是宾馆、餐厅、家庭烹调和馈赠亲友的最佳绿色食品。It is the best green food for hotels, restaurants, home and the best gift for kith and kin as well.

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完毕之后,便去访问亲友,只有小孩和年老的人得到礼物。Be finished going to visit kith and kin afterwards , just, only when the child and the aged people get a gift.

因为我们周围总有不少吸烟者,或是父母,或是亲友,或是邻居,他们总是吞云吐雾。The vicinity always has many smoker, or parents, or kith and kin, or neighbour , they always blow a cloud because of us.

经济全球化的深入发展,已使各国人民的前途命运紧密相连、息息相关。The deep-going pace of economic globalization has fused the destinies of the people of all countries in a kith and kin relationship.

KITH的迈阿密店——像所有其他的KITH店铺一样——有运行的主题,进入后立即明显感觉像画廊般的机构。KITH's Miami store — like all the other KITH stores — has the running motif that is instantly noticeable upon entering the gallery-like outposts.

为了保护大后方的亲人朋友——同时可能也享有他们坚定不移的支持——的作战观念已经成为明日黄花。The notion of fighting to protect kith and kin on the home front—and perhaps also enjoying their undivided support—has become a thing of the past.

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味道鲜美,泡松复原快,食用简单,是宾馆、餐厅、家庭烹调和馈赠亲友的最佳绿色食品。It tastes fresh and slippery, quick to inflate, and easy to cook. It is the best green food for hotels, restaurants, home and best gift for kith and kin as well.

他们放弃了他们的生意和他们的财产,为了安拉的道路而努力奋战,有时候还与自己的亲友或自己的部族中那些伊斯兰的敌人反抗。They gave up their trade and their possessions, strove and fought for Allah's cause, sometimes against their own kith and kin or their own tribesmen who were enemies of Islam.

亲朋好友与志同道合的人共享同一个受难者联盟,部落,宗派,教派在这个联盟中成为作恶之人的嗜学血的敌人,成为支持者和赞助者军事行动的工具。Kith and kin or sympathizers that share common affiliations with sufferers" tribe, sect or religious group become bloodthirsty enemies of the perpetrators, supporters and sponsors of martial actions.