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坚韧不拔有别于勇猛。Fortitude is distinct from valour.

李顺信将军的性格坚毅。General Lishunxin's character is fortitude.

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就是要有这股狠劲。This is the kind of fortitude we must have.

红色-人的坚忍与刚毅,高尚的行为。Gules or red-military fortitude and magnanimity.

现在他必须靠布洛芬和坚韧的意志来对抗它。Now he had to make do with ibuprofen and fortitude.

他不屈不挠的坚韧让他绝无恐惧。His dauntless fortitude makes him absolutely fearless.

他们缺少坚毅不拔的精神——他们不认为自己能赢。They lack mental fortitude – they don't think they will win.

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道格拉斯坚持下去,你的坚忍不拔是我们大家的榜样。Stick with it Douglas. Your fortitude is an example to us all.

金属质地面板形象设计,典雅中透出刚毅气质。Metal texture panel image design reflects the elegance and fortitude.

他们中的一些人还以杰出的英雄主义和坚强斗志而闻名。Some of them were distinguished by exceptional heroism and fortitude.

毅力是曼考夫的眼里一个漫画家的重要品质之一。Fortitude is one of the qualities Mankoff is looking for in a cartoonist.

这种氛围打造了各种社会关系,也锻炼了在学术上的毅力。That kind of atmosphere forges social bonds as well as academic fortitude.

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冰锢坚韧雕纹增加了冰锢坚韧最小伤害减免值。Glyph of Icebound Fortitude increases the minimum damage reduction from IBF.

深重的灾难,铸就了她百折不挠、自强不息的品格。The long sufferings have only made her a nation of fortitude and perseverance.

看老树下,那雕像,紧蹙双眉坚毅天庭俊朗。Under that tree, the statue, twisting his fortitude handsome face, a wriggler.

美国宇航局的早期宇航员在太空中必须吃的食品对他们的韧性是个考验。The food that NASA's early astronauts had to eat in space is a testament to their fortitude.

他酿成的苦楚和忧伤是人类的力量和意志所无法估量的。The suffering and desolation that he wrought was beyond human power or fortitude to compute.

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因此我们都谨慎看待这将是湖人决心的真实考验。So we can all take umbrage in that this will be the Lakers true test of intestinal fortitude.

在一定程度上,这音乐听起来很小心翼翼,但却反映了一种更加坚忍的感情。On one level, the music sounds cautious, but it actually reflects a deeper feeling of fortitude.

从反复无常的消费者行为带来的高峰期和低谷期熬过来是需要勇气的。It takes intestinal fortitude to survive the peaks and troughs of the whims of consumer behaviour.