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妹妹对史蒂夫·乔布斯的悼文A Sister’s Eulogy for Steve Jobs

他们连悼词也不发.They won't even deliver a eulogy.

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他向此英雄致颂词。He pronounced a eulogy upon the hero.

一种方法是考虑你的悼词。One way is to think about your eulogy.

他的一些朋友致了颂词。Some of his friends delivered an eulogy.

任何颂辞,俱不能称此伟人伟大于万一。No eulogy would do justice to so Great a man.

追悼会上,他的生前好友致了悼辞。His former friend delivered the eulogy on his funeral.

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爸爸是我心目中的英雄。Eulogy for Steve Irwin Bindi Irwin My Daddy was my hero.

悼词最后,辛普森提到乔布斯临终时的场景。Simpson ends the eulogy by recalling Jobs' final moments.

这颂扬声里婉言低语某些贬抑的主题东西。The subject of this eulogy murmured something deprecatory.

纽约时报今天早上刊发了乔布斯妹妹的悼词。The New York Times ran Steve Jobs' sister's eulogy this morning.

他为国庆大典写了激情澎湃的颂辞。He wrote an exciting eulogy for the celebrations on the National Day.

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加思先生对他们的研究成果大大地颂扬了一番。Mr. Garth gave a long eulogy about their achievements in the research.

他为国庆大典写了激情澎湃的颂辞。He wrote an exciting eulogy for the celebrations on the Double Tenth Day.

哀辞和诔文是先唐哀祭文的主要表现形式,在文体表现方面二者也存在一定的差异。Lament and eulogy of the dead are the main modes in the Pre-Tang dynasty.

这就像是你要给颂词人选参谋衣服一样。It's sort of like the clothes you want the person giving a eulogy to wear.

2005年,利维与世长辞,享年93岁,麦道夫在他的葬礼上致了悼词。And when Levy died, in 2005, at 93, Madoff delivered a eulogy at the funeral.

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藏族传统诗体颂词起源于藏族民间民俗文化即远古文化。The origin of traditional Tibetan Eulogy Poem is related to the folk culture.

我还听有人说,在悼词中展现幽默也不失为好主意。I know some people who even say it’s a good idea to include humor in a eulogy.

主题B轻松、明快,仿佛是对春天的多瑙河的赞美。Subject B is relaxed , lucid and lively, as if being Danubian eulogy to spring.