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取代它。Replace it.

得了吧,代替史蒂夫?Come on, replace Steve?

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倒换一台冷却泵。Replace one water pump.

热节点添加和替换。Hot-node Add and Replace.

用水取代苏打水。Replace sodas with water.

放回沙井盖。Replace the manhole cover.

更换空气滤清器阻塞。Replace clogged air filters.

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阅毕请放回原处。Please replace after reading.

没有哪样东西能够取代自爱。Nothing can replace self love.

在下一港口更换救生筏。Replace liferaft in next port.

把书放回书架上。Replace the book on the shelf.

你需要换色粉了。You need to replace the toner.

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把瓶子盖盖好。Replace the caps on the bottles.

我们这儿不能换卡。We can't replace your card here.

清洁或更换暖气过滤网。Clean or replace furnace filters.

请注意“替换”这个措词的含义。Note the use of the word replace.

搜索并替换到救援系统。Search and replace to the rescue.

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重新装上后盖和螺丝。Replace the back cover and screws.

你和弗拉维奥谈过这次转会吗?Who should replace you at Renault?

要用u和v来替代。I will replace them by u's and v's.