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上述有些事情是合理的。Some of that is legitimate.

当然,合法的保密是存在的。Of course there are legitimate secrets.

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则是凯撒大帝唯一和合法的儿子!Legitimate and only son of great Caesar!

确保它是一个合法的报道失实。Make sure it is a legitimate inaccuracy.

它是正当的民意调查机构吗?Is this a legitimate survey organization?

他是总统嫡出的儿子。He is the legitimate son of the President.

现在我要提一个合理的问题,”谁在乎呢?“Well, a legitimate question is "Who cares?"

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这些能算是合理的选择吗?Could these be considered legitimate choices?

是什么让它合法化?And you might say, what renders it legitimate?

版本7264已确定正式释出,如下图。This build 7264 has confirmed to be legitimate.

表面上看这个工程一切是合法的。On the surface, the project appeared legitimate.

而这就是改变世界的一条必经之路。And that's a legitimate way ofchanging the world.

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在我看来,发怒是理所应当的反应。I think anger is a legitimate religious response.

什么使得权力合法化并让人敬仰?What renders authority legitimate or respectable?

能否在这个领域找一份可在家办公的正规工作?Can I find a legitimate at-home job in this field?

这个帝国无法凝聚成一个合法的整体。The empire could not cohere as a legitimate whole.

那也是完全合理的,而且是可以预料的。That is entirely legitimate and it is to be expected.

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其中一个就是共济会成员,另一个是正当的商人。One is a freemason, the other a legitimate businessman.

这个铲断很凶狠,但确实是合理的冲撞。It had been a ferocious but perfectly legitimate tackle.

他们是完全合法的,这才是个大问题。They are entirely legitimate and that's the big problem.