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他跑去避雨。He ran for shelter.

我可以出去找避难所吗?Can I go out for shelter?

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我在哪里可以找到避难所?Where can I find shelter?

没有遮风挡雨的庇护所。No houses to shelter them.

我们在另一个避难所。We are at another shelter.

它能掩蔽所有的人吗?Can it shelter all of them?

我也可能将栖身之所安在树上。I also may take shelter in a tree.

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他们寻找躲雨的地方。They sought shelter from the rain.

Kiosk是指一个小屋或小棚。A kiosk is a little hut or shelter.

一座山不能藏两只老虎。One hill cannot shelter two tigers.

他们躲在一座荒僻的房子里。Theytook shelter in a lonely house.

一名遭受家暴的妇女找到免费住处。A battered woman finds free shelter.

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水底设置隐蔽物。Bottom of the water setting shelter.

上帝是十号风球时的避难所。God is our shelter in life's storms.

这个避难所也是这只骆驼的家园。The shelter is also home to a camel.

并到上帝那里寻求庇护,祂把他He fled for shelter to God, who mated

给六个生病的观光客住的小屋。Shelter for six sick scenic sightseers.

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这儿有一棵我们可以躲雨的树。Here's a tree that we can shelter under.

他们被迫到棚屋里隐蔽。They were driven to the hut for shelter.

“旧房子”就是马帮挡风避雨的地方。"Jiufangzi" is the caravan wind shelter.