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他是个诚实的年轻人。He is a guileless young man.

当初起来,很朴实。Rise at the outset, very guileless.

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老实厚道的狗签署并发表了那项声明。Dogs being guileless signed and delivered.

他从未见过这样一个朴实的面容。He had never seen such a guileless countenance.

你们的勤劳和朴实让我深深感动。I am deeply touched by your hardworking and guileless.

我最不喜欢的是别人欺骗,喜欢坦率的人、真实的人。I hate being deceived most, and like persons who are guileless and real.

恳地看了一眼,但是他知道他不能真正地相信她。She gave him a guileless look, but he knew he couldn't really trust her.

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他能够吸引人注重力的关键是和众不同的简单朴实。He can the simple guileless that the key of absorbing attention is extraordinary.

笑可以是愤世嫉俗的,操纵的,唯我独尊的,或者快乐和朴实的。It can be cynical, manipulative, and egotistic, or it can be joyous and guileless.

老实厚道的狗签署并发表了那项大会声明,于是开始了与人的一段美好友谊。Dogs being guileless signed and delivered. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

也许我不该对此诧异,她看上去老实巴交,其实也有自己的一套。Perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised that, guileless as she seemed, Hattie had tricks too.

我出生在中国北方一个普通的农村家庭,我热情,善良,真诚,朴实。I come from a general family of Northern China. I am enthusiastic , kind , pure-hearted and guileless.

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他轻蔑世间的欢乐,像孩子一样地坦率,但脾气暴躁。He felt disdain for worldly pleasures and was totally guileless , like a child. But he had a violent temper.

不过在民间,清代家具仍沿袭着明式程式,保留了朴实、简洁的风格。Be in folk nevertheless, clear acting furniture still follow is worn bright form form, retained guileless , concise style.

她看中他西北男人特有的侠义,他看中她西北女人特有的朴实。She takes a fancy to his northwest man spy some is chivalrous, he takes a fancy to her northwest woman's peculiar guileless.

她是个蓝色眼睛,黑色头发的淘气女孩,她的歌声和不加修饰的魅力是第一次宇宙大战中引领人类走向胜利的关键。She was the blue-eyed, black-haired gamine whose voice and guileless charm had been the key to Human victory in the Robotech War.

看诊前,慈济志工与院生们一同唱歌跳舞,看到院生忘我、投入的表演,感受到纯真的快乐。Before the dental work began, volunteers danced around with the students, and watched them perform on stage in a happy, guileless way.

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他感觉无颜面临关怀他的那些俭朴而愚蠢的村民,与是他走出了大山,来到城里打工。He felt that have no face to care for his those guileless and foolish villagers, and is he walked out of the mountains, and came to work in the cities.

电视背景墙中,几何形体的设计简练、朴实,点点“星光”映衬其间,温馨、畅快不言而喻。In TV setting wall, the design of geometrical body succinct, guileless , the dot is nodded " starlight " set off meantime, sweet, carefree self-evident.

在这安静的顶楼上,那个六岁小男孩稚嫩的声音对老人施了神奇的魔力,带着老人重温他曾遗忘的过去。In the utter silence of the attic, the words of a guileless six-year-old worked their magic and carried the old man back to a time almost totally forgotten.