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羊靠吃草本植物长肥。The sheep battened upon the herbage.

化肥可改变牧草的组成。Fertilizer modify the composition of herbage.

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肥料可改变牧草的组成。Fertilizers modify the composition of herbage.

种子植物主要由草本植物组成,草本植物占绝对优势。Seed plants are mainly made up of herbage plants.

在夏天,这地区覆盖著绿茸茸的牧草。Th is region is clothed with luxuriant herbage in summer.

为了获得刈割牧草良好的产量,使用氮肥是极为重要的。Nitrogen manuring is essential to get a good yield of cut herbage.

为了获得刈割牧草良好的产量,使用氮肥是极为…Nitrogen manuring is essential to get a good yield of cut herbage.

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土壤湿度与草本植物盖度呈极显著正相关。The correlation was found between soil moisture and herbage coverage was significant.

禾本科植物是我国天然草地的饲用植物中经济价值最大的牧草类群。Grass family is a main herbage group that is the most economic value in natural grassland of China.

沙打旺生物量形成过程中土壤水分逐渐亏缺。The biomass formation of the herbage was a process in which soil moisture was of deficit gradually.

所建立的评判模式能定性地反映青海海北高寒草甸地区牧草丰产与歉收的年景划分。The appraising models can show the herbage yield good or not quantitatively in Haibei alpine meadow area.

我国温带地区的草本植物资源丰富,其中有不少的C4植物。It is rich in herbage resources in the temperate regions in China, and there are many species of C4 plants.

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第三块土地既不接受雨水以便保存它,也不吸收它来生产草木。A third area of the earth neither accepted the rainwater to keep it, nor did it absorb it to produce herbage.

另外还对发展草本能源植物的经济效益及生产的可行性进行了探讨。In addition, the economic benefit and the feasibility of production with herbage energy plants were discussed.

这些对压缩工程优化设计和促进草业发展有重要意义。All these results are significant to optimum design of compression engineering and development herbage industry.

苔藓、藻类盖度及生物结皮盖度主要受枯落物、草本盖度等近地因子的影响。The moss coverage, algae coverage and biological crust coverage were more affected by litter and herbage coverage.

牧草产量的高低与冷季降水及土壤水分条件有一定的联系性。There is a positive relationship between cold season precipitation, soil moisture condition and herbage production.

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饲草品质性状中除无氮浸出物外其它性状均表现出明显的自交衰退现象。In addition, dominant effects of per parent showed that the most herbage quality trait had obvious selfing depression.

结果表明,适宜的矿物油能促进牧草植株高度和叶面积增大,产草量提高。The results indicated that feeding moderat mineral oils could increase the plant height . leaf area and herbage yield.

紫花苜蓿以其品质优良、易于栽培的特点,在饲料牧草中占有重要地位。Purple flower clover with its good quality, easy to cultivation, occupies an important position in animal feed herbage.