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它是这两者相互结合的结果。It is the resultant from those two.

所有表达式的结果类型The resultant type of any expression.

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由于下泻,可引起脱水。Due to the resultant effect, can cause dehydration.

戴着厨师帽的厨师做的饭菜更美味?Does a chef's hat make the resultant food taste better?

此文提出利用结式法求解该方程组的闭形式解。Resultant method is presented to solve the above equations.

结果,24首前奏曲及赋格作品出炉了。The resultant 24 Preludes and Fugues became a staple piece.

产生的结果值还可以通过属性进一步传播。Resultant values may be further propagated through properties.

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阀座密封负载和组合的紧密性是与返回压力密切相关。Seating load and resultant tightness is dependent upon back pressure.

结式是多项式理论中的一个重要概念。The resultant is an important concept over the theory of polynomials.

然后将两种应力代数相加就得到合应力。The two stresses can then be added algebraically to obtain the resultant.

最终老鼠的某些细胞中将含有灭活基因。Some of the cells in the resultant mouse will contain the inactivated gene.

所产生的工具寿命更长,并且在不用脱模剂的情况下仍能使用。The resultant tool has a longer life and may be used without a release agent.

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估算该测试花费以及测试前后声级值。Estimate the cost of these measures, and the original and resultant sound levels.

这也使准备买卖未上市股票的经纪人定价及对冲买卖更容易。It will enable market-makers to offer pricing and hedge resultant positions easily.

若使合力总是指向重力的反方向,则这个合力是一种无支撑的悬浮力。If the direction is opposite with gravity, the resultant force is a levitation force.

休克是因器官灌注不足,导致细胞机能障碍和死亡的一种状态。Shock is a state of organ hypoperfusion with resultant cellular dysfunction and death.

除非有一合力作用于物体上,否则物体的方向是不会发生变化的。There is no change in the motion of a body unless a resultant force is acting upon it.

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泰斯拉小心地把一只手塞到激光场域里,烫伤后缩了回去。Tesla cautiously pushed his hand into the lasers' field, and winced at the resultant burn.

即使在测试时故意灌入下水道的污水,产生的水也是干净的饮用水。Even in test runs where sewage water was used, the resultant water was clean and drinkable.

为什么生物个体变老后身体恶化,繁殖力和精力降低?Why do individuals deteriorate as they grow old, with resultant reduced fecundity and vigor?