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赫胥黎是达尔文进化论的鼓吹者。Huxley was an exponent of Darwin's theory of evolution.

在审视了鸵鸟和其他现代鸟类以后,赫胥黎认为它们就是小型恐龙的后代。When Huxley looked at ostriches and other modern birds, he saw smallish dinosaurs.

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此书问世70年后,我们看到赫胥黎对技术发展的预言是如此惊人的精确,所预言的许多技术已经诞生或即将诞生。Many of the technologies that Huxley envisioned are already here or just over the horizon.

赫胥黎和查尔斯莱尔则更坚持地球一定有上亿岁了。H. Huxley and Charles Lyell, insisted the age of the Earth must be in the hundreds of millions.

赫胥黎说过,一个美丽的理论,被丑陋的事实所抹杀,核坍塌,真是科学的悲剧。It's Huxley that said woe to the slaying of a beautiful theory by an ugly fact, nuclear collapse.

由于赫胥黎的称号是达尔文的斗牛犬,于是,人们也以狗来比喻演化论的其他捍卫者。Thomas Huxley was called Darwin's bulldog, leading to other canine analogies for evolution's defenders.

阿道司·赫胥黎就是把音乐技巧应用于文学创作的众多小说家中的一位。Aldous Huxley is among the writers who create musicalized novels with the techniques borrowed from music.

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除了“爱”之外,“帮助”是世界上最美的动词。英国小说家赫胥黎.A.L。After the verb to love, to help is the most beautiful verb in the world. Aldous Leonard Huxley. British novelist.

尼采的哲学思想、马克思主义思想以及赫胥黎的进化论构成了鲁迅早期的思想体系。Nietzsche's philosophical thoughts, Marxism and the Evolution Theory of Huxley made up of Lu Xun's early ideological system.

这些想法归功于跳赫胥黎的通道表明,他将最有可能同意下列哪些报表?The ideas attributed to T. H. Huxley in the passage suggest that he would most likely agree with which of the following statements?

诸如达尔文、赫胥黎这样的大人物力挺勒克莱尔,甚至坚称地球一定有上亿岁了。Charles Darwin, as well as others like T.H.Huxley and Charles Lyell, insisted the age of the Earth must be in the hundreds of millions.

查尔斯达尔文,以及像T.H.赫胥黎和查尔斯莱尔则更坚持地球一定有上亿岁了。Charles Darwin, as well as others like T.H. Huxley and Charles Lyell, insisted the age of the Earth must be in the hundreds of millions.

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诸如达尔文、赫胥黎这样的大人物力挺勒克莱尔,甚至坚称地球一定有上亿岁了。Charles Darwin, as well as others like T. H. Huxley and Charles Lyell, insisted the age of the Earth must be in the hundreds of millions.

奥尔德斯。赫胥黎认为我们会被我们所爱的东西所毁,而乔治。奥威尔以为我们会被我们所恐惧的东西所毁。Aldous Huxley believed that we would be destroyed by the things we love, while George Orwell thought we would be destroyed by the things we fear.

赫胥黎担心的则是我们会变成一种琐屑的文化,只关心一些浮华与喧嚣。Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy.

像朱利安·赫胥黎这样的生物学家和与其志同道合的赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯认为生物科学可“最终控制的人类的整体命运”。Devotees and fellow travellers, such as Julian Huxley and H. G. Wells, saw in the biological sciences "the ultimate collective control of human destinies".

他说,乔治·奥威尔强调恐惧在让人民安分守己的作用,而赫胥黎则强调需求和欲望如何被创造,操纵和满足的。Orwell emphasises the role of fear in keeping people in line, while Huxley pays more attention to how needs and desires are created, manipulated and satisfied.

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赫胥黎对此解释说,飞翔脊椎动物肯定已经是热血动物,因为飞翔要求一个高新陈代谢率,后者要求一个较高的体温。H. Huxley reasoned that flying vertebrates must have been warm -blooded because flying implies a high rate of metabolism, which in turn implies a high internal temperature.

北京大学生命科学学院的所有学生,包括协助会议组织和今天参加会议的同学们,都是赫胥黎的第八代学术后裔。All students in Peking University School of Life Sciences, including those in the audience and those helping with this symposium, are thus 8th generation students of Thomas Huxley.