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深层失读仅出现在AD晚期。Deep alexia occurred only at late stage of AD.

马姤来自法国,李安娜来自荷兰王国,艾丽可来自比利时。Margaux comes from France, Li-Anne from the Netherlands and Alexia from Belgium.

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除了持续的不伴有失写的失读症外,还逐渐出现轻度的流利性失语。She developed a mild anomic aphasia in addition to continued alexia without agraphia.

第三部分主要探讨了阿拉善和硕特旗寺庙经济情况。The third parts of dissertation accounts the temple's economy of Alexia Hushud banner.

雅莉克西亚当时不能离开医院病床,珍妮就蜷曲到床上陪她。Alexia couldn't get out of her hospital bed then, so Jane would curl into bed with her.

催眠曲艾莉丝雃艾舒福这里有一个友善,但天真的国王娶了一位脾气非常坏的皇后。Berceuse Alexia Ashferd here was a friendly, but naive King who wed a very nasty Queen.

目的分析汉语失读特点并探讨其机制。Objective To analyse the feature of the deep alexia and discuss its possible mechanism.

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报道一例左顶枕梗塞后纯失读病人。A patient with pure alexia after left occipitoparietal infarction was studied with aphasis examination.

紧邻着的次要点,艾丽可和马姤坐着,石榴子姐姐和当地官员都纷纷坐下。Next to it Alexia and Margux took second place. Sister Shiliuzi and other local officials all sat down.

自打出生起,阿莱克西亚就会三门语言,因为她妈妈是法国和西班牙混血,爸爸理查德是英国人。Alexia has been tri-lingual since birth as her mum is half French and half Spanish and her dad Richard is English.

盲女阿莱克西亚·斯隆年仅10岁,却已精通四国语言。Alexia Sloane, a 10-year-old schoolgirl has become fluent in four languages, despite the fact she is completely blind.

对阅读基本机制的了解是研究失读症发病机制和对失读症进行康复治疗的基础。Understanding the basic mechanism of reading is the foundation for studying the pathogenesis of alexia and its rehabilitation care.

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阿拉善和硕特旗藏传佛教是清代蒙古地区藏传佛教的重要组成部分。The Tibetan Buddhism of Alexia Hushud banner is the important components of the Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolian areas in Qing dynasty.

女孩和狗一起扑倒在医院地板上。雅莉克西亚用双手搔抓珍妮的腹部,送它一个大微笑。珍妮则舔着雅莉克西亚的脸。Girl and dog both flop on the hospital floor. Alexia scratches Jane's belly two-handed and gives a big smile. Jane licks Alexia's face.

当14岁的雅莉克西亚走进儿童癌症中心时,珍妮正在附近蹦蹦跳跳,用鼻子摩蹭着1个刚切除脑瘤的幼儿。Jane is scampering around the children's cancer center, nuzzling a toddler who had a brain tumor removed, when 14-year-old Alexia walks in.

亚莉克希亚·索洛尼在两岁时罹患恶性脑肿瘤,并经历了长达十八个月的艰苦化疗,从此双目失明。Alexia Sloane lost her sight at the age of two after she was diagnosed with a brain tumour and underwent 18 months of gruelling chemotherapy.

失读症是由于大脑损伤导致正常阅读者对书面语言-文字的理解能力丧失或受损,可伴有或不伴有朗读障碍。Alexia are caused brain damage due to loss of normal reader of the written language abilities lost or damaged, with read or without read obstacles.

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据悉,她是欧洲议会有史以来,最年轻的一名盲人翻译。Alexia with her mother Isabelle. At 10-years-old she has become the youngest interpreter to work at the European Parliament and she is blind translater.

他们认识时,雅莉克西亚正因“非霍奇金症淋巴癌”严重不适,当时她饱受化疗之苦,极度沮丧,需要一个朋友。The two met when Alexia was horribly sick with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, when she was suffering through chemotherapy, when she was sad and wanted a friend.

亚莉克希亚在去年10月1日时获得了剑桥新闻界的“最勇敢孩子”称号,并且获得了到布鲁塞尔的机会。Alexia was awarded the Most Courageous Child prize at the Cambridge News Community Awards on October 1 last year and was given the chance to go to Brussels.