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或者像个没有眼珠的阴郁的娃娃,抱着忧伤。Or hug your sadness like an eyeless doll.

在加沙无眼与在工厂的奴隶。Eyeless in Gaza with the slaves at the mill.

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失去了双眼、双手的姑娘在树林中哭着。Eyeless and handless, the maiden remained in the forest weeping.

那没眼睛的鸭子嗓也不会给蒸发。The eyeless creature with the quacking voice would never be vaporized.

开始生产和销售型钻高端手术无眼针的18-8不锈钢。Started production and sales of surgical eyeless needles of 18-8SS drilled-end type.

这静谧的世界是穴居鱼的家,比如无目金鲃。This tranquil world is home to specialised cave fishes, like the eyeless Golden Barb.

看起来,你所需要做的只是将这个无眼基因的开关打开,就能够得到漂亮的眼睛。All you have to do, it seems, is switch on the eyeless gene, and you get these beautiful eyes.

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我伸过手去,那面目狰狞、说话客气的瞎眼怪物立刻牢牢抓住了我的手,就像虎头钳一样。I held out my hand, and the horrible, soft-spoken, eyeless creature gripped it in a moment like a vice.

我伸出了我的手,立刻,那个可怕的、软声软气的瞎眼的家伙像一把虎头钳似地抓住了它。I held out my hand, and the horrible, soft-spoken, eyeless creature gripped it in a moment like a vise.

科学家最近发现这些没有眼睛的无脊椎动物可以用它们的刺上的探测光来看东西。Scientists recently discovered that the eyeless invertebrates “see” by detecting light with their spines.

这种目盲的海胆同样有着与味觉、觉、觉和平衡相关的基因-至,令人吃惊地是,还包括视力。The eyeless sea urchin also has genes associated with taste, smell, hearing, balance— and surprisingly, even vision.

在历史的层面展现为人类的信仰从盲目崇拜,到理性公设,再到人生信念的逻辑演变。On the side of history, they opened up as a logic evolvement from eyeless worship to rational assumer, till the faith of life.

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但是最近对这种盲眼、无翼的生物进行DNA分析,显示牠们在遗传组成上比之于蟑螂,倒更接近于螳螂。But recent DNA testing of the eyeless and wingless creature has shown its genetic make-up is closer to the praying mantis than the cockroach.

我伸出一只手,立刻被那个说话温和的瞎子紧紧钳住,他把我粗暴地拉到他身边。I held out my hand, and the terrible, soft-speaking, eyeless man took hold of it like a dog biting a bone. He pulled me violently towards him.

一个带着皮面具的壮硕祭祀用黑色的无眼头套蒙住那个牺牲品的头,然后从腰间拔出一根一英尺长短的钉子。A large, thickly muscled and leather-masked cultist draped a black, eyeless hood over the victim's head before pulling a foot-long spike from his sash.

因此,旅游业上市公司在进行多元化战略时,一定要识别清楚哪些是自身的竞争优势,切忌盲目扩张。As a result, the tourism listed companies must identify its core competence when it taking the diversification strategy in order to avoid eyeless dilation.

如果学生太关注自己的着装和外表,就有可能会盲目地追求潮流,影响学习。The more attentions the students pay to dressing and appearance, the more the adverse impact there will be to their study because of the eyeless pursuit of fashion.

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虽然没有眼睛,莎克特在战术上却有令人惊奇的先见之明。他的洞穴人军队在尼根黑暗的坑道中百战百胜。Though eyeless , Shakti has amazing vision when it comes to battlefield tactics. His Troglodyte hordes are feared the world over, especially in the dark tunnels of Nighon.

在当地社区的导游陪伴下,人们可以在黑暗的山洞里花几个小时,欣赏石笋、石钟乳、瀑布、成群的蝙蝠、稀有的盲鱼物种及其他。Accompanied with a local guide from the community, one can spend hours in the dark cave, admiring stalagmites, stalactites, waterfalls, bats, rare eyeless fish-species and more.

海胆在海峡群岛附近的海底挥舞着它们的棘突。科学家最近发现这些没有眼睛的无脊椎动物可以用它们的刺上的探测光来看东西。Sea urchins brandish their spines on the seafloor near the Channel Islands. Scientists recently discovered that the eyeless invertebrates “see” by detecting light with their spines.