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一些事物是有生命的。Other things are nonliving.

原生质可区别出生物和非生物。Protoplasm distinguishes living from nonliving things.

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原生质的生存空间来自于无生命物质。Protoplasm distinguishes living from nonliving things.

其它细胞变成毛发,指甲等无生命部分。Others change into nonliving parts of the hair and nails.

用你们的话来说,不存在什么没有生命活力的事物。There is no such thing, in your terms, as nonliving matter.

有时某些非生物似乎能进行这些活动中的一项或几项。Sometimes a nonliving object appears to carry on one or more of these activities.

一种银色的药油,剑隐水能让被涂抹的非生命物体变得隐形。A silvery oil, bladeshimmer causes nonliving objects on which it is smeared to turn invisible.

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我们应该理解了非生命物质有向生命转化的可能。We have to understand that every nonliving thing has potential to become a living thing &vice versa.

地球表面上有许多普通的状之都可能在有生命和无生命中交替。Many of the common materials of the earth'scrust may alternate between the living and the nonliving states.

目标为物品时,射线可解离10立方英尺的非生命物品。When used against an object, the ray simply disintegrates as much as one 10- foot cube of nonliving matter.

简单的生物可以消耗无生命物质或其它形式的生命,向更复杂的方向发展。Simpleorganisms can fuel their rise toward complexity by consuming otherforms of life and nonliving materials.

木质茎的最外层,包括形成层以外全部活的和死的组织。The outermost layers of a woody stem including all of the living and nonliving tissues external to the cambium.

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这一非凡的能力是区分生物和非生物的各种差别的基础。This remarkable ability is the basis of all the other differences that distinguish the living from the nonliving.

这意味着生命与非生命之间并无差别,因为它们都是由相同的材料所组成——原子。It means there is not much difference between nonliving &living thing because both are made up of same stuff ATOM.

生态学专业通过研究环境中生物和非生物网来理解整个生态系统是如何运行的。Ecology majors study the web of living and nonliving things in an environment to understand how the whole system works.

物理学学习无生命物质世界的概念和进程等。The physical sciences explore the concepts and processes of the nonliving physical world, as opposed to the life sciences.

由微生物、原生动物、藻类等于生物体或非生物体表面之薄层覆盖物。A coating or covering on the surface of a living or nonliving substrate composed of organisms like bacteria, protozoa and algae.

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腐生生物从无生命的有机物质,如动植物尸体、食物制品、排泄物等,获得食物。Saprophytes secure their food from nonliving but organic matter, such as deed bodies of plants and animals food products, excrements, etc.

单一生物或群聚生物居住的地方,包括周围的和生命或无生命有关之环境。Place where an organism or a community of organisms lives, including all living and nonliving factors or conditions of the surrounding environment.

有人可能因此认为,尽管这些活性均来自病毒的指令,但病毒只不过是无生命的寄生体,利用著有生命的代谢系统。One might then conclude that even though these processes come under viral direction, viruses are simply nonliving parasites of living metabolic systems.