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它们是如何进化的?How did they evolve?

他会进化。He's going to evolve.

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仙人掌是如何进化的?How did cactuses evolve?

这光光地身子是怎么进化出来的呢?So why did this nakedness evolve?

图式是为了演绎而设计的。And a schema is designed to evolve.

合作的行为如何进化?How did cooperative behavior evolve?

人们随着时间而改变,他们不断进化。People change over time. They evolve.

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病原体也进化来逃避“躲避”。Pathogens evolve to evade the evasions.

你在那里时,这些观点如何发展?How did they evolve while you were there?

我特别提到了进化这个词。Now I use the word "evolve" deliberately.

乐德维尔了卓尔齐的水平26和发展它。Le vel up Drow zee to level 26 and evolve it.

我实在是喜欢进化领带,西姆斯说。I'd really love to evolve neckties, Sims says.

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这个比率跟项目的成熟度有关么?Do the ratios evolve with the project maturity?

计算机模拟生命形式更加智能Computer-simulated life forms evolve intelligence

那么为什么海豚的智商进化到如此之高呢?Why then did dolphins evolve to become so brainy?

关键问题是“道德情感是怎么进化而来的?”The question is, 'How could moral feelings evolve?"

它甚至能描述产业结构是如何演进的。It can even describe how industry structures evolve.

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看,科技是推展演化的方法。You see, technology is a way to evolve the evolution.

默克尔告诉我,我不希望纳米技术进化。Merkle told me, I don't want nanotechnology to evolve.

而中国的国内市场又需要进化个几十年才行。Domestic markets need to evolve and that takes decades.