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残疾人可以畅达你吗?。Are you handicap accessible?

汽车在高速公路上走像障碍赛跑。Cars on the freeway go like a handicap race.

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他肯定没有老是想着自己的残疾。He certainly does not dwell on his handicap.

轻子探针不会遇到这一困难。Leptonic probes do not suffer from this handicap.

失去最棒的运动员对我队不利。Losing our best player is a handicap to the team.

失去最棒的运动员对我队不利。Losing our best player was a handicap to the team.

所以我们可以舒服的踢下去。You can do without having to play with a handicap.

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他克服了自己的不利条件,取得很大成就。He surmounted his handicap and achieved great success.

你唯一能做的就是,给那些跑的快的人设置障碍say the only thing you can do is handicap the fast runners.

这其实是美国保险业发展的一个障碍It makes it--this is a handicap to the U.S. insurance industry.

葡萄膜炎是青年患者视力障碍的一个常见原因。Uveitis is a common cause for visual handicap in younger patients.

学习飞钓,修修家居设施或练练障碍赛马。Learn fly-fishing, how to repair your appliances or handicap horses.

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以虚弱的残疾之身,建立一项事业或一种生活。Building a business and a life in the face of a debilitating handicap.

不懂电脑在当今这个世界可真是个不利因素。Not being computer-literate is becoming a handicap in the modern world.

在儿童中,肝切除不致引起永久性生理障碍。Resections in children do not produce a permanent physiologic handicap.

所有婴儿在追踪的一至十年中分别有轻至重度的运动障碍。All infants had mild to severe motor handicap in a 1 to 10 year follow-up.

要克服这个障碍,首先就要在青少年身上进行更多更好的投资。Overcoming this handicap starts with more and better investments in youth.

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今晚,我无论如何不会让这双重困难造成出师不利。I wouldn't have this double handicap make a false start to-night for a million.

但是,另一些人则认为他与仍然强势的军队的疏离是一个软肋。But others see his apparent distance from the still-powerful army as a handicap.

其中一位无方行动,我们让她的儿子和她住在一起来照顾她。One of them is a handicap and we allow her son to stay with her to look after her.