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在回狐牙峰的路上,众人稍有懈怠。In the back to fox tooth peak on the road, they slightly negligent.

第六部分是共同过失犯罪的立法献言。The sixth part is the legislative suggestion of the joint negligent crime.

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据报导,调查人员认为事故原因是工人操作失误所致。According to the report, investigators blamed the accident on negligent workers.

Walgren说如果他有犯罪过失厘米能预见到发生了什么事。Walgren says CM is criminally negligent if he could have foreseen what happened.

作为一个职业,记者在解释相对风险时已经不止是粗心了。Journalists have been, as a trade, beyond negligent in explaining relative risks.

只是一步错棋,格里斯楚克便埋葬了他自己辉煌的反攻!With his single negligent move Grischuk buries his own magnificent counter attack!

政府救灾失责,您觉得内阁应该总辞下台吗?With the government's negligent disaster relief, should the entire cabinet resign?

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另外,他又指养和医院治疗时疏忽失当。Besides he mentioned that the treatment by HK Sanitarium was negligent and improper.

家庭火灾的主要原因是麻痹大意,没有及时采取预防措施。Home fires are the main reason for negligent not to take timely preventive measures.

然而他和小组的工作都被腐败、疏忽、敌对的官员们所阻扰。Yet both he and the team are hampered by corrupt, negligent and antagonistic officials.

同时,还论述了承认过失教唆犯及过失帮助犯并无实际意义。Also discuss it is no practise sense for accepting the negligent instigation and helper.

原告诉称驾驶员实施了各种疏忽的作为与不作为。The complaint alleged that the driver had committed various negligent acts and omissions.

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过失犯罪,法律有规定的才负刑事责任。Criminal responsibility shall be borne for negligent crimes only when the law so provides.

就其中“应知”主观要件的规定本身而言,应当属于过失犯罪。According to the definition of "ought to know", it should be classified as negligent crime.

你刹那见不经意的馈赠,像秋夜的流星,在我的身心深初着了火。You sudden and negligent gift is, like the meteor in the night of fall, burning in my life.

这孩子说,听见我们走进来,误以为是他那怠慢的听差来了呢。starved to death,' said the boy, mistaking our approach for that of his negligent attendant.

将某种犯罪确定为过失犯罪的法定标准,是法律有文理规定。The legal standard of identifying a crime as negligent crime is whether it is prescribed by law.

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然而,不可忽视,大化县义务教育发展过程中还存在不少问题。Yet, it is not negligent that there are many problems during the course of the compulsory education.

他处理国际事务时,从不轻率,鲁莽,马马虎虎,粗心大意。He's never imprudent or impudent , inadvertent or negligent when he deals with international affairs.

信赖原则通过限定过失犯罪的成立范围,从而体现了刑法的谦抑价值。Trust principle reflects the restraining of criminal law by limiting the range of the negligent crime.