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我承认自己完全被她迷住了。I admit I was totally infatuated.

他疯狂地爱恋着那个漂亮的姑娘。He was infatuated with the beautiful girl.

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“不,你没有,”这入了迷的姑娘说,“我爱他胜过你爱埃德加,而且他可以爱我的,只要你让他爱!”No, you have not,' said the infatuated girl.

迷恋你的优雅,每一次微笑都令人心醉。Infatuated with your grace, every smile is glorious.

最近我迷上了恐怖电影。Recently, I have been infatuated with horror movies.

我自省、迷恋、恐惧这个肉体。I am infatuated with, self-examine and fear this body.

他迷恋低级庸俗的娱乐活动。He is infatuated with junior and vulgar entertainments.

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痴迷是一份信赖,赤城是一生的朝拜!Is infatuated is a faith, Chicheng is the life the worship!

可是我是一个路痴,一直不记得路该怎么走。But I am a road, has been infatuated don't remember the way.

可还记得那迷恋镜花水月的日子吗?Still remember the days when you are infatuated with mirage?

可是我却被这一点点的迷恋喜欢上了你!MyBe But I was infatuated with the little bit in love with you!

当你歌唱的时候,我们迷恋你的声线,陶醉了!When you sing, we are infatuated with the voice, being dead drunk.

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是他的脸点燃了我迸发的迷恋之情。It is his face that inspires in me paroxysms of infatuated devotion.

——不过话说回来,谁又忍心去责怪一个这么痴情的男人But having said that, who have the heart to blame a man so infatuated

他们只是对你非常着迷—你的生活,你的发型,你的美丽。They’re just so infatuated with you—your life, your hair, your beauty.

我和雅各布刚来到北京不久就迷上了火锅。When Jacob and I first moved to Beijing we were infatuated with hot pot.

这个女孩对她的新娃娃如此着迷,她日日夜夜地抱着她。This girl is such infatuated with new moppet, clinging to it day and night.

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真是没救了。天然的?你们男人只痴迷于外表。You are helpless. Natural? You men are still only infatuated with the looks.

你现在还迷恋着她,但不久就会猛然醒悟过来的。You're infatuated with her now, but the scales will soon fall form your eyes.

乐迷在夏季到哪里欣赏世界一流的交响乐?And where can the music fans get themselves infatuated in the first-rate symphonies?