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有时我对嘟嘟很刻毒。And at times I was mean to Doodle.

兔丫,会说话的涂鸦文化社交。Cony, Talking doodle cultural social.

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我打电话时常常信手乱画。I often doodle when I'm on the phone.

或者,洁白的帆布鞋和涂鸦。Perhaps, pure canvas shoes and doodle.

扬基·都达尔进城,骑着一匹小马。Yankee Doodle went to town, A-riding on a pony.

敌人都跑了,杨基·嘟得儿,时髦哥儿。The enemy all runs away, at Yankee Doodle Dandy.

你在你的书上乱写乱画,我也总是这样对待我自己的书。You do doodle on them, I always wrote all over mine.

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在学会了写自己的名字之后,我总是信笔涂鸦。After learning how to write just my name, I would doodle.

这是专为全屏幕设计的随意笔记!Doodle Note is specially designed for full screen note taking!

在近来孔子复兴热中这个涂鸦是最新的表现。The doodle is the latest in the recent rehabilitation of Confucius.

涂鸦是一个被墨水涂染的手指,链接到大选相关的所有新闻。The doodle is an inked finger that links to all election related news.

他所看见的尘埃痕迹犹如小孩子的随手涂鸦。Head-on, from his position, the dust looked almost like a child’s doodle.

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黑白两色的棋盘涂鸦解释了绘画者的耐心和耐力。The black and white chequerboard doodle suggests patience and persistence.

如果你画了一束亮眼的花,那么你是个好交际的人。If you doodle a bunch of perky-looking flowers you are likely to be sociable.

我一吃完饭,就赶紧和嘟嘟去到豪斯海德码头。As soon as I had finished eating, Doodle and I hurried off to Horsehead Landing.

我变得非常繁忙,下班回到家,嘟嘟就像个小跟屁虫一样跟着我。I became very busy, came home from work, like a small doodle heels as follow me.

显然这是很浪漫的涂鸦,它暗示了你正被爱包围。Obviously a romantic doodle. Drawing a heart indicates you’re in love with love.

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当然,你所写所画的东西还是多少会泄露一些你的性格特点和情绪。And what you choose to doodle will reveal volumes about your personality and mood.

扬基美国人来到伦敦,只是为了骑小马。我是一个真正的美国男孩。Yankee Doodle came to London, just to ride the ponies. I am the Yankee Doodle Boy.

把笔放在纸上,开动脑筋,涂鸦,随着你双手的移动,你将文思泉涌,并深受鼓舞。Doodle. By moving your hands you’ll stimulate the flow of ideas and inspire yourself.