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戒除过程中出现的戒断症状withdrawal symptoms of quitting

好,停止食用是一种可能Okay, so withdrawal is a possibility.

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与别人脱离或关系疏远Withdrawal or estrangement from others

请您填写一下取款凭条。Would you please fill in this withdrawal slip?

陆军上校卡扎菲声称他的撤退是战略。Colonel Qaddafi called his withdrawal tactical.

此次撤退令是他参加竞选的承诺之一。The withdrawal was one of his campaign promises.

他的退场只能被理解为是一种抗议。His withdrawal can only be construed as a protest.

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您的提款申请将在1-2天内办理。Your withdrawal applications will be for 1-2 days.

可以麻烦您给我存摺和提款单吗?。May I have your bankbook and withdrawal slip, Please?

撤军之路将是漫长,混乱和痛苦的。Withdrawal from Iraq will be slow, messy and painful.

埃塞俄比亚表示决心执行撤军计划。Ethiopia says it is committed to the withdrawal plans.

焦虑以及失眠在脱瘾过程中是正常的。Anxiety and sleeplessness are common withdrawal symptoms.

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请填写取款凭条,出示您的护照。Please fill in a withdrawal form and show me your passport?

分离后的表现在许多方面都类似于毒品戒断。In many ways, separation appears to resemble drug withdrawal.

你可以从你的往来账户中随时提款。You may withdrawal the money at any time from a current account.

如果突然停止,会导致咖啡因脱瘾,感觉更疲劳。Stopping suddenly can cause caffeine withdrawal and more fatigue.

下午时光流逝,你沉浸在咖啡因里面。By the time afternoon rolls around, you’re in caffeine withdrawal.

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天线的架设、撤收自动完成,快速、安全、隐蔽。The erection and withdrawal auto-complete fast, safely and snugly.

沃克将军命令向春川江全面撤退。General Walker ordered a general withdrawal to the Chungchon River.

‘争取民主变革运动’的退选令人遗憾,但是却为人理解。So the MDC's withdrawal was regrettable but it's very understandable.