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老鼠接着吱吱叫。And squeak goes the rat.

小老鼠尖叫起来。Squeak squeak, siad the mouse.

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楼上的地板吱呀吱呀响。Floorboards will squeak upstairs.

当我擤鼻子时,耳朵有声音。When I blow my nose, my ears squeak.

我们终于设法险胜了这场比赛。We managed to squeak through the match.

还有小老鼠吱吱吱吱吱吱叫。And the little mouse says squeak squeak squeak.

他听到的一声大吼对于别人只是尖细的叫唤。He hears a roar where others hear only a squeak.

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他听到的一声大吼对于更多有联系人只是尖细的叫唤。He listens a roar wITe otITs listen only a squeak.

如果你的头可以过去,那你整个身子就可以穿过这道缝隙。You can squeak through a crack if your head could.

路边这时传来了车轮的吱嘎声和马蹄的声响。A squeak of wheels and plod of hoofs came from the road.

我嗓子仍然嘶哑,连说声“谢谢”都很勉强。I was still so hoarse I could barely squeak out Thank you.

这种蛾的耳朵能收听到蝙蝠的超音速的尖叫声。This moth's ear is tuned in to the bat's ultrasonic squeak.

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因为它常吱吱地欢叫,我便给它取名“佳乐”。I named him Squeak because of his constant squeaky chirping.

木梁的吱吱声成了井水的伴音。Squeak coming from wood beams becomes semitone of well water.

我生活在洞里,我有一个喙,我会玩游戏、嘎嘎叫和吱吱叫。I live in holes, I got a beak, I play games, squawk and squeak.

千万不要错过耳语沙滩,每当走在上面,沙滩都会为你吹起口哨!Don’t miss the Whistling Sands, which squeak as you walk on them!

我知道我会遇到许多困难,可我无论如何总能应付过去。I know I'll be confronted with difficulties, but I will squeak by anyway.

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随着一阵拔尖的煞车声,樱子的一生轻轻地飞了起来。With the squeak of stopping the car, the life to Ying just fly up lightly.

练习者很可能会在头几次尝试中发出尖锐的声音。The student is likely to squeak quite a bit during these first few attempts.

这时,我听见熟悉的刹车声,那是丈夫停车时独有的声音。I heard the familiar squeak of my husband's brakes as he pulled into the drive.