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必须有结构化的方法来概念化服务There must be a structured way to conceptualize services

复杂流程实质上是一些难以概念化的规则。Complex processes are essentially the hard rules to conceptualize.

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“不存在感”的概念化为何会如此困难?Why is it so difficult to conceptualize the "sense of inexistence"?

业务过程执行语义很难概念化。Business Process Execution semantics are difficult to conceptualize.

吉布森调查了人们对于“团队合作”这一概念的认识。Gibson has interviewed people to understand how they conceptualize teams.

这是我现在对蜕变性内化的理解。That is how I conceptualize the process of transmuting internalization now.

我在上面曾写道复杂系统的行为难以概念化。I wrote above that the behavior of complex systems is hard to conceptualize.

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最终用户使用这种方式更容易对数据进行概念化和查看。End users may find it easier to conceptualize and view data using this approach.

宇宙和谐是如何显现的,我不想让你对这个主题进行任何的概念化。I do not want you to conceptualize in any way how these Universal Harmonies will appear.

我们的设计是模式密集型的,并主要依赖电脑来构思我们的工作。We are model-intensive, and rely heavily on the computer to help conceptualize our work.

为了更直观地理解上述内容,可想象一下你正在以直线方式向东穿越地球。To conceptualize this, imagine you're traveling across the Earth in a straight line, heading east.

这个阶段你开始概念化你想创造的东西。The Dreaming And Scheming phase is the phase where you begin to conceptualize what you want to create.

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团队首先开发了一个服务视图,以便说明消费者与服务分离的概念。The team first developed a service view to conceptualize the separation of the consumer and the service.

我们通过逆转它们的用例事务处理将两个系统间的机器接口概念化。We conceptualize machine interfaces between two systems by reversing the transactions of their use cases.

当前修习本课程的学生可以采取团队合作的方式对作业进行思考。Students currently taking this class can work together to conceptualize general approaches to assignments.

因此,非洲同意,我们必须在整个区域内强化粮食安全的概念。Africa therefore has agreed that we must conceptualize food security on a regional basis, " Mutharika said."

由于我和Leisha从来没有真正的在同一个地方,我们没有足够的时间让整个专辑充满概念。Since Leisha and I were never really in the same place, we didn't have enough time to fully conceptualize the record.

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在这一章中我们首先概念化外语教学作为一个系统,然后分析了贡献语言学。In this chapter we first conceptualize foreign language teaching as a system and then analyze the contribution of linguistics.

“哲学”的“问题”常常不能完全“概念化”为一个“论题”,但绝非毫无“主题”。The problem of philosophy usually can not "conceptualize" into a "thema", but this is by no means to say it has not a "subject.

无一例外,所有伟大的架构师都掌握了在截然不同的抽象层次上概念化解决方案的技能。Without exception, all great architects have mastered the ability to conceptualize a solution at distinct levels of abstraction.