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脑部病理学是国际神经病理学会的官方出版物。Brain Pathology is the official publication of International Society for Neuropathology.

大脑病理学是国际神经病理学协会的官方出版物。Brain Pathology is the official publication of International Society for Neuropathology.

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杰克逊死亡的大脑必须经过至少两周的“硬化”,医生们才能进行神经病理学检验。The pop star's inert brain must "harden" for at least two weeks before doctors can conduct their neuropathology tests.

脑室容量增大则可导致认知能力下降以及AD神经系统病变加重。This increase in ventricular volume is correlated with cognitive decline and increases in Alzheimer's disease neuropathology.

全国显微神经外科、神经介入放射和神经病理培训基地也设在本院。The national bases for training in microneurosurgery, interventional neuroradiography and neuropathology are set at our hospital.

神经病理学的研究也没能得到一个明确的诊断性的神经病理学,并且其发现常常互相矛盾。Neuropathological studies have also failed to establish a clear diagnostic neuropathology , and findings have often been conflicting.

在AD早期阶段,其神经病理变化不仅影响在功能上,还影响在白质结构上。In the earlier stages of AD neuropathology not only affect on functioning, but also on white matter structure, and they have strong relationship.

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他说,对于死因的具体判断可能由于进一步的毒物和神经病理测试而发生变化,这些测试将花费四到六周时间。He said a ruling on the cause of death would be deferred for detailed toxicology and neuropathology tests, which could take between four and six weeks.

在中枢神经系统中AD神经病理学和缺血损伤的发展均存在胶质细胞的活化和炎性介质的上调。The development of both AD neuropathology and ischemic lesions in the central nervous system are characterized by activation of glial cells and upregulat.

媒体报道称,洛杉矶验尸机构正在对杰克逊的一部分大脑进行神经病理测试,这也许是杰克逊家庭推迟安葬计划的原因。Media reports said the Los Angeles coroner's office was conducting neuropathology tests on part of Jackson's brain, which could be behind the delay in the family's burial plans.

温特说,杰克逊的脑组织,抑或至少是部分,目前仍由调查人员保管,待神经病理学检查完成后即送还家属,以安葬逝者。Mr Winter said Jackson's brain, or at least part of it, was still being held by investigators and would be returned to the family for interment once neuropathology tests were completed.

这领域有兴趣的包括所有相关研究作用在神经系统上的化学物质的副作用等学科,这又包含神经化学,生理学,神经病理学和行为。Fields of interest include all disciplines related to the study of the adverse effects of chemicals on the nervous system, including neurochemistry, physiology, neuropathology , and behavior.

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作为“拉什”“记忆与衰老工程”长链的一环,研究人员们对发现的神经系统病变的病理谱做了评估分析,这些病变来自141名伴有或不伴有明显痴呆症状的老年人的脑部。As part of the longitudinal Rush Memory and Aging Project, researchers evaluated the spectrum of neuropathology found in the brains of 141 older adults, with and without clinically evident dementia.