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第二,激光具有相干性。Second, the laser has a coherence.

所思所想也融贯在这条长廊中。Coherence also are thinking in this gallery.

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反垄断法和价格法之间既存在着冲突也存在协调关系。There are both conflicts and coherence between the two laws.

新闻穿透推特式的无序状态,直抵一个连贯的主题。Journalism cuts through the atwitter state to thematic coherence.

利用副标题来使你的综述有序和连贯。Make use of subheadings to bring order and coherence to your review.

第三章是语篇连贯在翻译中的描述。Chapter Three is the description of textual coherence in translation.

要使政策和战略正确发挥作用,我们就需要全组织范围内的一致性。To get policy and strategy right, we need organization-wide coherence.

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宝贝鱼应用软件将会把杂音连接成和谐的音调。And Babel Fish applications will connect this cacophony into coherence.

最后着重讨论了激光源的时间相干性。Then the temporal coherence of a laser source is analysed in particular.

语篇内的衔接和连贯是两个完全不同的概念。Cohesion and coherence in discourse are two totally different conception.

我们不能犯夸大他们支持和凝聚力的错误。We should not make the mistake of overstating their support or coherence.

综述了目前对相干时间、干长度的各种定义。The recent definitions of coherence time and coherence length are introduced.

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主位述位理论是语篇衔接与连贯研究中的重要功能性理论系统。Theme theory is an important functional theory system in text coherence study.

连贯性是指一件艺术品各个部分属性协调一致。Coherence refers to the belonging together or the various parts of the artwork.

而在话语分析中,衔接和连贯又是语言学界聚焦和热门的话题之一。Cohesion and coherence is one of the hot topic and focus in discourse analysis.

第四章展示了具体的谋篇能力和连贯手段训练的教学实例。Chapter Four is to demonstrate some samples in planning and coherence in writing.

新闻工作者总是过分夸大演讲条理性的政治意义。Journalists tend to exaggerate the political importance of a speech's "coherence".

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通过研究英汉幽默语篇可以更好地帮助我们理解衔接与连贯这一理论。Studying EHD and CHD will help us understand cohesion and coherence theory better.

文中分析了膜厚与膜的质量之间的相关性。The article also discusses the coherence of the thickness and quality of the film.

实义切分是对连贯性话语进行超句分析的一种基本方法。The notional segmentation is a basic method to make an analysis of coherence words.