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实际上,我喜欢鹰妖。Besides, I loved the harpy.

命运提醒我,不要以貌取人。Fate has reminded me not to be such a judgmental harpy.

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峡谷壁上到处是巨大的鸟身人巢穴和鸟粪。The canyon walls are lined with giant harpy nests and guano.

这个恶婆由始至终都认为我们的战士们在伊拉克都是白死的。This harpy essentially says that our soldiers in Iraq died in vain.

鹰妖说,如果我们一起生活的够久的话,我会变得坚不可摧。The harpy said if I lived with her long enough I'd become indestructible.

一个留着八字胡的男人无意间在喷泉里救了一个鸟身女妖。A moustached man unwittingly saves a harpy from being drowned in a fountain.

和它的菲律宾同伴一样,热带大雕把巢筑在最大的树顶上。Like its Filipino cousm, the harpy eagle nests in the tops of the largest forest trees.

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PLA也可能使用“哈比”技术改良它自己设计的性能。The PLA may also uses the Harpy technology to improve the performance of its own designs.

这部纪录片,西摩用了21周的时间躲在委内瑞拉的树顶上跟踪巢穴中的角鹰。The documentary took Seymour into Venezuela’s treetops for 21 weeks to follow a nesting harpy eagle.

强健的角鹰——拥有五英寸长的锋利鹰爪——是世界上最大的鸟。The powerful harpy eagle—which has razor-sharp, five-inch talons—is the world’s largest bird of prey.

鹰身女妖之子可能做了这一切,让它看起来像龙的杰作以让城市仇视我。The Sons of the Harpy might have done it, and made it look like dragon's work to make the city hate me.

飞行当地窟哈痞进场时,将一个由你操控的蓝色或黑色生物移回其拥有者手上。FlyingWhen Cavern Harpy comes into play, return a blue or black creature you control to its owner's hand.

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如果她不反对的话,我们可以去她的住处,或者干脆哪儿都不去。但是由于鹰妖的关系,我决不能带她去我那儿。We'd go to her place, if she was amenable, or else go no place at all. I couldn't take her home. Because of the harpy.

然而,按照英国博物学家莱斯利·布朗的说法,还没有证据表明大雕曾经掠走过小孩。Yet there is noevidence, according to British naturalist Leslie Brown, that children have ever been taken by the harpy.

卓耿飞到很远的地方捕猎,但是当他吃饱后他喜欢在大金字塔的顶端晒太阳,在哪里曾一度站立着弥林的鹰身女妖。Drogon hunted far afield, but when he was sated he liked to bask in the sun at the apex of the Great Pyramid, where once the harpy of Meereen had stood.

在这些屋顶之下的某处,鹰身女妖之子正群集着谋划着杀害她和那些爱她的人并把她的孩子囚禁在铁链上。Somewhere beneath those roofs, the Sons of the Harpy were gathered, plotting ways to kill her and all those who loved her and put her children back in chains.

有时我洗澡的时候,鹰妖会走进来,坐在马桶上,用她沙哑鸹嘈的声音跟我聊天,从玻璃看出去,她的头是一个朦胧的灰渍,身体是白的。Sometimes when I showered, the harpy came in, and sat on the toilet, and talked to me in her raucous, cawing voice, her head a gray blur through the glass, her body white.

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我终于跟鹰妖讲想要邀请乔斯林来家里晚餐,她房间内仅有的回应是玻璃粉碎的声音,象是她把什么又重又易碎的东西扔到了墙上。When I told the harpy I wanted to invite Jocelyn over for dinner, the only response was the sound of shattering glass from her room, something heavy and fragile thrown against the wall.