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我的爱,终有一天我会独自踏遍你的大街小巷。I love you one day I will be traversing the streets alone.

三日月以迅雷不及掩耳的速度穿越竹林。Mikazuki is traversing across the bamboo forest at lightning speed.

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其中一部我们看到的是史托希勒踏著响亮的步伐,穿过一个黑暗的大厅。One of these shows Stoerchle traversing a dark hall, his steps echoing.

这里有使用指针遍历DBCS字符串时的两条规则。There are two rules for traversing through a DBCS string using a pointer.

任何主炮的大范围横向移动都需要整个车体进行运动。Any large traversing of the main gun had to be done by moving the entire vehicle.

我们会聚焦于共同穿越扬升道途的灵魂团体。We will focus on a group of Souls who are traversing the path of ascension together.

纵隔病变穿刺活检多采用直接和经肺途径。Direct and traversing lung were performed constantly in biopsy of mediastinal lesions.

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将数据结构的遍历作为独立、一般的操作将更为理想。It would be better if traversing the data structure was a separate and generic operation.

建立与遍历一棵二叉树历来为数据结构中不可缺少的内容。Building & traversing a bi-tree always act as the indispensable content of data structure.

因此,可以预料去往活动服务模块的流量会跨越VSL。Therefore it is expected to have traffic destined to active service module traversing VSL.

要考虑的另一个问题是,在访问惰性关联时要执行多少个查询。Another issue to consider is how many queries are executed when traversing lazy associations.

他对此非常高兴,就象一个穿过了荒凉沙漠的人到达了一个绿洲一样。He reveled in it like a man who has reached an oasis after traversing an inhospitable desert.

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考虑将这些表面抹平或当漫游这种地形时,稳定用户的视点。Consider flattening these surfaces or steadying the user's viewpoint when traversing such terrain.

在小小的被密集的电车轨道划过的广场,我看到了俾斯麦的白色半身胸像。I saw the white bust of Bismarck in a small square, where so many rails of tramcar are traversing.

最终她们穿过一个长满了各种菌类的小山谷来到了海丝特。格蕾家的花园。And finally, after traversing a little wood glen full of toadstools, they found Hester Gray's garden.

他花费半个夜走过悠长的街道,又花费下半个夜走回来。In traversing that long street he spent half the night, and half the night in traversing it back again.

注意在穿越树中,任何的点,一个节点都可能是新的子树的根。Note that in traversing a tree, at any point in the traversal, a node can be the root of a new subtree.

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通过爬越台阶、楼梯等越障实验,验证了其越障能力和环境适应能力。Its capability and effectiveness is tested by experiments such as climbing stairs, traversing steps etc.

但更可能的状况是,在网路中流动的将是无法局部解密的代数流。More likely, though, traffic traversing networks would become a locally undecipherable algebraic stream.

这个例程遍历这个表,获取网络地址系列、接口和协议。The method involves traversing the table and getting the network address family, interface and protocol.