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自养生物开始起哄。The autotrophs began to drool.

不要被你的口水呛到。Try not to chock on your own drool.

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汤圆又白又圆,看起来使人垂涎欲滴。Dumpling and white circle, look to drool.

这样的数字让中国的房地产开发商垂涎。Statistics like these make China's property developers drool.

对玛丽·波塔斯流口水,假装你是苏·珀金斯的朋友。Drool over Mary Portas and pretend you are friends with Sue Perkins.

这个结果将会让伊恩·弗莱明的Q羡慕不已。The result would be something that Ian Fleming's Q would drool over.

雄龟会流出口水,并击打嘴唇发出声音,或是发出嘶嘶声。The male may drool and vocalize with a lip- smacking sound or a hiss.

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杰克听到喵喵叫声后,立即开始分泌唾液,口水流出嘴巴,气喘吁吁。Jake heard the meowing and immediately began to salivate. And drool. And pant.

交谈的内容已经从尿布、口水转移到长牙、嘴里蹦出第一个词这些事情上来。The conversation has shifted from diapers and drool to teething and first words.

另一间教室的小学生看到一个婴儿的口水流到了一个塑料娃娃上时,发出了咯咯的笑声。Students in another class giggle as they watch a baby drool on a large plastic doll.

比起狗,猫更安静,它不会像狗一样随处在家里掉口水,也不会像狗一样,随便扑到陌生人身上。Cats are also quieter and less likely to drool on your belongings or jump on strangers.

对于小乔垂涎三尺,于是周瑜就动了杀诸葛的心。Drool with envy to little Joe , hence the week Yu moved to kill the heart of various Ge.

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贝尔纳普听了王明志的故事,在这期间,王明志的妻子一直帮他擦去下巴上不停流下的口水。He listened to Mr.Wang's story as his wife wiped away the incessant drool from his chin.

这台冰箱里装了许多许多好吃的食物,你看了肯定会流口水。This refrigerator and filled many, many delicious foods, you will definitely drool read.

最后,即使在没有食物的情况下,只要一听到铃声,那些狗也会分泌出口水。Eventually the dogs would drool at the sound of the bell even when they didn't get any food.

等我醒来的时候,发现我脸上全是油彩,画上一大滩口水。I awoke with paint on my face and a large pool of drool mixed with the rest of the painting.

它抽噎地哭泣,以及从嘴巴滴下浓汁般颜色的口水在她的脚边形成了一个水坑。It whimpers , and drool the color of pus drips from its lips and forms a puddle at her feet.

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她打了一个大喷嚔。我拿纸来给她擦干净。只见她满脸的眼泪,鼻涕和口水。I got a tissue to clean her up after she sneezed and find her face covered with tears, snots and drool.

我只好交了白卷,上面只有我的名字,日期,以及一滩口水。I had to turn in my test incomplete. No questions answered, just my name, the date, and a pool of drool.

肤色或淡黄或乳白或微红,个头儿大,毛茸茸的,你看了肯定流口水。Color or light yellow or creamy white, or reddish, and one Boss, big, hairy, and you certainly saw drool.