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而行业平均厚度是9.5毫米。The average 2.5-inch HDD is a 9.5mm form factor.

把游戏灌到内置硬碟再重新运行试试看。Transfer the game to internal HDD and try again.

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我的硬盘里还存有自从2001年以来我写的IRC日志。I still have all my IRC logs since 2001 lying on my HDD.

求购电脑主板,存储卡,硬盘等元件,出口。Motherboards, PC cards, Memory , HDD etc, core components.

这是一款单盘片的硬盘,厚度只有7毫米。The new HDD is a single platter drive that is only 7mm thick.

硬盘使用,以平衡内外压力HDA的呼吸孔。HDD uses Breath hole to equalize pressure inside and outside HDA.

我的硬盘的容量需要和刷写的16扇区上的签名里说的大小一致吗?Q. Do I need the same size WD HDD as the size on sector 16 states ?

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什么?当你选西树硬盘做主盘时,你能用PC3000找到硬盘吗?。What? Can you identify HDD for PC3000 when you select Master of WD HDD?

了解磁头介质、伺服、读写通道等。Some basic knowledge of HDD head media, servo and RW channel are required.

硬碟机和多媒体制品成为新加坡资讯主力产品。The HDD and multimedia products become to Singapore's IT flagship product.

为了减少从硬盘我用橡胶圈装入到位的共鸣。To lessen the resonance from the HDD I used rubber rings to mount it in place.

开机时会被认出一颗硬碟和一颗光碟机,可以从光碟开机。HDD and an optical drive is recognized and you may boot from the optical drive.

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使用该程序,你可以从你的u盘或者外置硬盘玩游戏备份。With this application, you can play your Backups from an USB-Stick or external HDD.

目前这款的外置硬盘的价格还是没有公布。Pricing for the external drive and the 2.5-inch HDD alone are not announced at this time.

国家地理硬盘能够很好地处理任何操作系统,它是通过一个可连接USB电缆…The National Geographic HDD works well with any operating system and it is connectable via an USB cable.

硬盘驱动器控制信号发送到前置放大器和前置选择头部硬盘在目前的时刻需要。HDD sends control signals to the preamp and the preamp selects the head which HDD needs at the current moment.

如果错误位元组装进状态记录器,那麽错误记录器在执行指令后显示硬碟的状态。The errors register shows the HDD state after command execution, if the "Error" bit is set in the state register.

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我刚刚安装的D5在HDD和想尝试找到库路径文件,所以我只能复制整个。I have just installed D5 on the HDD and would like to try and find the Library Paths file so I can just copy it all across.

随后五年内,硬碟储存容量增加了1000倍,是长达半世纪的硬碟史上进步最快的时期。Within five years HDD storage capacities had increased 1,000-fold, the rapidest advance in the half-century-long history of HDDs.

另外,“好端端”与数量短语搭配时的所处位置前后的不同,也会对表达的主观性程度产生影响。In addition, with the different positions of Hdd in numeral-classifier phrases, the subjectivity expressed in "Hdd" will be different.