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服装符号系统是论文第二章所探讨的重点。The finery symbol system is the emphases of the second part.

本文的重点是二维结构元素的1-D分解和点对分解。The emphases of this paper are 1-D and point-pair decompositions.

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结合实际系统,分析设计中的重点和难点。A practical example shows the difficulties and emphases in the design.

全文共分两部分,上半部分主要介绍在铁铬合金特性研究方面的进步。The paper includes two parts, and this part' emphases is the Fe-Cr alloy.

本文从模块化、智能化角度研究磁航向系统。The modularization and intelligence of MHS are the emphases of this thesis.

第三,重点论述袭警罪的犯罪构成。Thirdly, discourse emphases upon construction of crime of attacking police.

不同的着重点对你解释你和不同的环境相关是很有用的。Different emphases are useful to explain your relevance in differing environments.

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今后扶贫重点地区为五华县、丰顺县和大埔县。Emphases depressed regions of assistance are Wuhua, Fengshun, and Dabu in Meizhou.

它的产额,温度及其在靶中的输运等都是重点研究的对象。And its yield, temperature and transmission in targets were emphases to investigate.

第四章,重点研究图形、符号在电视舞台美术设计中的应用。The fourth, emphases on. an application for figure, symbol on TV stage art designing.

但同时,还有一些不够完善之处需要在以后的工作中加强研究。But, it is also faultiness on some aspects, which is the emphases of us in the future.

目前,国内微波管CAD技术仍是总装备部军事电子的重点项目。However, MWT's CAD is an emphases item in pre-reseacher project of Equipment Ministry.

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从需求和需求链的角度分析农机化问题,是理解和分析中国农机化问题的关键。The demand chain management is the mode of management that emphases meeting the demands.

互联网关的BSP和驱动程序设计是本论文的重点。BSP and driver design of the interconnecting gateway are the emphases of the dissertation.

结合海上油田采出液乳化特点,提出了开发电脱水器新技术的研究方向。Based on emulsion characteristic of offshore oilfield, research emphases were pointed out.

最后,指出了课题研究的重点难点、主要创新及特色之处。Finally, the paper points out the emphases and difficulties, main innovations and features.

重点阐述了过饱和交叉口的动态最优控制策略。Dynamic optimal control strategies for oversaturated intersections are emphases of this paper.

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陶瓷行业的工作重点是隧道窑温度控制系统的完善与推广。The emphases of ceramic industry are perfection and extension of tunnel kilns control systems.

重点是降低系统含氧浓度和控制火源。The emphases sare on the reduced content level of system oxygen and controlled source of fire.

迄今,它已成为当今平板显示技术的重点发展项目之一。Thus far, it becomed one of emphases on developing item of flat plate display technology today.