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你是我美丽的诗琴。You are my beautiful lute.

离不开明灯、诗琴。Survive not the lamp and the lute.

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他会弹琵琶。He knows how to play the Chinese lute.

就是那琵琶琴的小裂痕。It is the little rift within the lute.

他漫不经心地拨弄着鲁特琴的琴弦。He idly plucked the strings of the lute.

琴韵悠扬。Sweet music was being played on the lute.

独坐幽篁里,弹琴复长啸。I whistle long and loud and play the lute.

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鲁特琴也不会在黄昏时刻响起了。Nor will the lute sound at the twilight hour.

跟他说话就象是对牛弹琴。Talking to him is like player the lute to a cow.

琴声中表达出来的感情奔腾澎湃得像流水一样。The sound of the lute roils and surges like a torrent.

短笛和歌声,昨日已喜欢And this . . . this lute and song . . . loved yesterday

带着犁耙和炼炉,极棒和琴瑟。Take the plough and the forge and the mallet and the lute

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来自劳勃‧道兰,鲁特琴练习曲的种类,1610年伦敦。From Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610

琴声中表达出来的意象象高峻雄伟得像泰山一样。The sound of the lute is soaring and majestic like Mount Tai.

琵琶,在古代是所有弹弦乐器的总称。Lute was the general name for all Stradivarius in ancient times.

这是本人对这手挥琵琶演示的意见。This is my opinion about the application of Hand Strum the Lute.

酒馆打烊后,翩翩给了玉琴八个大洋作工钱。Pub after closing time, and gave the jade lute eight ocean for wages.

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它拥有六根弦的带品乐器,其中五根弦为钢丝弦,一根为铜丝弦。It is a fretted lute with six strings, five of steel and one of brass.

“对牛弹琴”这句话,含有讥笑对象的意思。The saying "to play the lute to a cow" implies a gibe at the audience.

但是小毛驴决心已定,任何借口都无法让它改变主意的。But no excuses were of any use. The donkey was determined to play the lute.