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如果有意参加,请在下周末前尽快联系我。If interested, please RSVP to me by the end of next week.

去找找在你附近的国情咨文观看聚会吧,而且别忘了回复Find and RSVP for a State of the Union Watch Party near you

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座位有限,敬请回复留座并凭邀请卡入座,一柬仅限两人。Please rsvp to reserve seats. One invitation for two persons only.

座位有限,敬请回复留座并凭邀请卡入座,一柬仅限两人。Please rsvp to reserve your seats. One invitation for two persons only.

栏位是指是否要求参加者回覆。The RSVP column indicates whether or not a response is requested from the attendee.

然而把现有的RSVP应用于移动IP网络就会存在许多问题。However, there appear many problems when RSVP is applied to Mobile IP -based networks.

现在的活动的回复途径也是多样化的,有电邮,电话,卡片等更多方式。Events today rely on a variety of RSVP options, including email, phone, mail in cards, and more.

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记下每一份邀请函底部的回复日期,因为早点儿回复是有礼貌的做法。Take note of the RSVP date at the bottom of any invitation as it is good manners to reply early.

创建一个免费的网站为您的婚礼,将让人们更新,使他们能够预留在线。Create a free website for your wedding that will keep people updated and allow them to RSVP online.

实验结果表明增强型步长值预测器比其他值预测器具有更高的性价比。Experimental results show that RSVP has better cost-performance than other data value prediction schemes.

若移动主机进入新的分层区域,则要求它建立新的RSVP通路,开始新的指针转发过程。When it moves into a new region, it is required to update the RSVP path and begin the new pointer forwarding process.

这是由于与策略设置冲突这个界面上不允许的RSVP请求总数。This is the total number of RSVP requests that are not admitted on this interface due to a conflict with policy settings.

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我还能保证他们欢欣跃雀地面对到其他孩子意识到他们根本无权回复“好的”后,邀请变得越来越少。I'm sure they were joyous when the invitations became less and less because the other kids realized they'd never rsvp "yes".

本文主要针对基于RSVP的保证服务,讨论了如何利用非线性服务曲线进行资源分配,以实现带宽和时延要求的解耦。In this paper, we discuss an optimized service allocation scheme based on non-linear service curve that can be used in RSVP to decouple bandwidth and time delay requirement.

其中RTP协议负责数据传输,RTCP协议负责提供数据传输质量反馈,RSVP协议用于资源预留,以保证网络服务质量,RTSP协议则提供数据传输的远端控制。RTP transmit data, and RTCP provide feedback of data transmission quality. RSVP can reserve network bandwidth to guarantee quality of service. RTSP remotely control data transmission.

数年前,他在澳大利亚的RSVP.COM的网站上发了一个描述小岛的帖子,格拉森先生一下子成了媒体报道的焦点,他的帖子被世界各大报纸纷纷转载。Several years ago, Mr. Glasheen became something of a media sensation after a dating profile he had posted on the Australian site was picked up by newspapers around the world.

论文介绍了集成服务模型体系下RSVP信令的工作机制以及协议结构的设计与实现。In this paper, we introduce the reservation setup mechanism of RSVP and analyse the structure of the protocol stack in IntServ, then an implementation framework of the protocol is given.

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当你回复别人的邀请时别忘了向主人了解一下聚会上供应的酒精饮料并且请求他们是否能准备下面列举的几种低热量的酒。When you RSVP the invite make sure you ask your host what alcoholic beverages will be served and ask if they could prepare the drink based on one of the low calorie options listed below.

在处理了设立信息后,OXC通过将含有波长或通道有关的MPLS标志的RSVP信息交给上游邻居,发出成功的光路径资源分配信号。After processing setup messages, OXCs signal successful light-path resource allocation by handing RSVP messages containing lambda- or channel-associated MPLS labels to upstream neighbors.