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有一次,宙斯头痛欲裂。On one occasion Zeus suffered a racking headache.

即便绞尽脑汁,他还是连一个例女也念不出来。Even after racking his brains he couldn't think of a single example.

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第二天,营地非常安静,除了偶尔几声痛苦的咳嗽声。The next day the camp was quiet except for an occasional racking cough.

我们跟踪在线存储已经有近一年的时间了,并且是有很好的理由这样做的。We’ve been t racking online storage for nearly a year, and for good reason.

煽动战争的可能,“压力下疯狂”的美国精疲力竭了?The possibility of warmongering, "racking crazy" USA being wiped out? If only.

等待前往威斯敏斯特大教堂的几个小时是最令人不安的。The hours of waiting before leaving for Westminster Abbey were the most nerve racking.

只要消费者还能按时付款,他们就可以不断刷新自己的消费纪录。As long as the customers are paying their bills on time, they can keep racking them up.

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面试通常会让人紧张,伤脑筋,尤其是当你真的需要一份工作的时候。Job interviews can be stressful and nerve racking — especially when you really need a job.

你看,当我是百视达公司的顾客的时候,我因为经常支付过期违约金而“臭名昭著”。You see, when I was a Blockbuster customer, I was notoriously bad about racking up late fees.

如果她是每小时雇员,检查她的收入存根,看她是否真的在额外加班。If she's an hourly employee, check her pay stubs to see if she really is racking up the overtime.

欺骗员工的公司也会欺骗顾客,布什在2005年就将欺骗合法化了。Companies that frack their employees also fracktheir customers. Bush made racking legal back in 2005.

但只有我自己知道在电脑前一坐就是两三个小时,绞尽脑汁想句子出题的滋味。But they knew little of the hours I spent in front of the computer racking my brain about the exercises.

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虽然尚未完成,不过我已经做了很多重要的进展,这部分工作现在都在我github的Rails分支上。While still not complete, I have made significant headway on racking up rails in my github fork of Rails.

在中国的联赛中,已经开始具有统治力,并有20分钟得38分的表现。Beginning to dominate against the competition in China racking up 38 points in 20 minutes in a recent game.

此类货架多用于机械制造行业和建材超市等。Cantilever racking is mainly used in the Mechanical Manufacturing Industry and markets for building materials.

专用于生产乳品、果汁等饮料的无菌灌装机生产线。Uses in producing drink specially and so on dairy product, fruit juice asepsis racking machine production line.

它觉得像有一只坚硬的东西在凿它的骨头,磨碰它的神经,使它无法休息,无法安宁。The old wolf feels as if something were chiselling at its bones and racking its nerves, which makes it restless.

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我在绞尽脑汁想主意,阻止楼上的邻居在夜里十一点以后练琴。I am racking my brains for an idea to stop my neighbour upstairs from practicing the piano after eleven at night.

计算机控制系统、专用挂具设计、触摸屏及控制系统、整流器自动控制。Computer control system, special racking design, and touch screen and control system, rectifier automatic control.

重型货架是使用最普遍的一种货架,有很好的拣取效率。Fixed pallet racking is commonly by all kinds of storage area to provide good storage utility and easy picking styles.