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然而,它的表亲,山地里的田鼠,则是那种“打一枪、换一地”的家伙。His cousin, the montane vole, is kind of a hit-and-run guy.

山地雨林是热带北缘季风气候的地带性森林类型。The study revealed the zonal characteristics of the montane rain forest.

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鹤峰县位于湖北省西部,毗邻湖南省。Hefeng is a montane county in the western parts of Hubei province near to Hunan.

山地雨林是热带北缘季风气候的地带性森林类型。Montane rain forest is a zonal forest type in the northern tropical monsoon climate.

大片的阔叶林和灌木丛生的山坡主宰着这里的山地生态系统。Broad-leaved forest and grassy hillsides dominate the montane ecosystem of the mountain.

结论硼镁石粉适合山区和水产养殖区灭螺。Conclusion MBOP was suitable to control the snail in montane areas and aquiculture areas.

湖北铁线莲属大部分种类分布在鄂西山区。Most of the species of Clematis from Hubei concentrate in the west montane region of Hubei.

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该工程位于山坡上,地质条件复杂,为典型的山区岩土地基。The ground of the project is typical montane ground and its geological condition is complicated.

主要分析了该县的种子植物区系特徵,表明其亚热带山地植物区系的特徵显著。The flora feature in Xinchang was analysed. The floras are characterized by subtropical montane feature.

形成环保、节能、高效、清洁花园式生产工厂,树立起山区资源综合利用的典型,成为当地高科技产业发展的一面旗帜。The factory will sets up a model in the way it deals with montane resources and pilot the development of local high-tech industry.

哀牢山分布着目前我国面积最大、保存最完整的亚热带山地湿性常绿阔叶林。In Ailao Mountain, it distributes the largest tract and intactest of subtropical montane moist evergreen broad-leaved forest in China.

科学家们发现,那些山地的田鼠有一个较短样式的垂体后叶荷尔蒙接收基因,而那些单配型的田鼠的垂体后叶荷尔蒙接收基因样式较长。Scientists found that the montane vole had a short version of the vasopressin receptor gene, and the monogamous one had a long version of it.

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在线路调查和样方调查的基础上分析了广东天井山山地常绿阔叶林的结构特征。Structural characteristics of montane broadleaved evergreen forest were analyzed based on the data obtained from sampled surveys in the field.

此处公园涵盖了150处湖泊、450英里的溪流,再加上范围从湿地到山区再到高山冻原的一些列生态系统。The park contains 150 lakes and 450 miles of streams, plus ecosystems ranging from wetlands to pine forests to montane areas to alpine tundra.

这个国家公园包括150个湖泊和450英里河流以及从湿地到松林、从山丘到高山冻原等各种生态系统。The park contains 150 lakes and 450 miles of streams, plus ecosystems ranging from wetlands to pine forests to montane areas to alpine tundra.

这是该科在中国最南端的分布,而且是分布于热带山地雨林中。The present discovery is the southernmost distribution of the family in China, and also the only tropical montane rainforest locality in China.

海南霸王岭陆均松类热带山地雨林伐后林结构与物种多样性研究。Study on structure and species diversity in post harvested tropical montane rainforest dominated by Dacrydium pierrii in Bawangling, Hainan Island.

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山上气候多变,多云多雾多雨多冰雹,使长白山区的形像变幻无穷,虚幻神秘,迷迷茫茫。In the mountain that climate levity , there is more cloud , mist, rain and hail, enploy Chang Bai montane image without end fluctuate, transience mystery and at sea.

因为山区田鼠的大脑中没有催产素和垂体后叶加压素的受体,这些化学物质对于它们没有作用,它们继续着它们的一夜之情。Because the montane vole does not have receptors for oxytocin or vasopressin in its brain, those chemicals have no effect, and they continue with their one-night stands.

因此,对它的研究开发,不仅可以充分有效的利用野生资源,还可以改善人体的营养状况,同时也为山区人民脱贫致富开辟了新途径。To research the wine, it can not only use wild resources efficiently, but also improve people nutrient condition. Meanwhile, a new path was broke to help montane people eradicate poverty.