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或者用地毯边角料。Use carpet cast-offs.

或是把地毯折曲。Or it is a carpet flex.

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她用吸尘器清扫地毯。She vacuumed the carpet.

我钉牢地毯。I tacked the carpet down.

乘着那神奇的波斯飞毯。On the magic carpet ride.

中联地毯欢迎您!Vanda carpet welcome you!

狗把地毯尿湿了。The dog wetted the carpet.

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水使地毯褪色。Water discoloured the carpet.

地毯又厚又豪华。The carpet is thick and plush.

这是机织的毯。This carpet is made by machine.

那块地毯很容易脏。That carpet dirties very easily.

粗毛地毯已经不流行了。The shag carpet is out of style.

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我把地毯钉牢在地上。I nail the carpet down to ground.

没有,但是我的地毯正在变湿。No, but my carpet is getting wet.

她弯下腰去把地毯展开。She stooped to untuck the carpet.

地毯是上个礼拜洗的。The carpet was shampooed last week.

这张新地毯使房间增辉不少。The new carpet brightened the room.

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不过,那块真丝地毯多少钱啊?Anyway, how much is that silk carpet?

他那沾满污泥的靴子把地毯都踏脏了。His muddy boots splotched the carpet.

拖鞋不磨损地毯。It saves wear and tear on the carpet.