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这家具乐部面临被足协开除。The club faces expulsion from the football league.

开除党籍是党内的最高处分。Expulsion is the ultimate Party disciplinary measure.

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他们愿意把你的开除改成留校查看。They're willing to turn your expulsion into a suspension.

他说,阿富汗政府还以驱逐令威胁过他。He said the Afghan government threatened him with expulsion.

会议上的斗争和开除张国焘出党的斗争。Meeting and in connection with the expulsion of Chang Kuo-tao.

但是,排烃能力相对较差。Howe-ver, expulsion capacity of hydrocarbon is relatively lower.

英国被排除出美澳新同盟的原因是多方面的。The reasons for the UK's expulsion from the ANZUS were manifold.

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巫师并以法水、贴符驱逐邪凡魅。Wizards and water law, who posted at the expulsion of evil magic.

现在所面临的挑战是治理改革,而非开除成员国。The challenge now is governance reform, not expulsion of member states.

关于哈利是否应该被霍格华玆学校开除的听证会终于临近了。Harry's hearing for his possible expulsion from Hogwarts finally arrives.

征服者用毁灭和驱逐的方法来减少敌国的人口。The conquerors depopulated the enemy's country by destruction and expulsion.

然而,吉拉迪诺的红牌推倒了这场比赛,比赛开始像上山路一样。However, the expulsion of Gilardino ruins the game and the race starts uphill.

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尿动力学意味着学习的运输、储存和开除学籍的尿液。Urodynamics means the study of the transport, storage, and expulsion of urine.

这个夏天法国排挤罗马,他还考虑引咎辞职,但是没有这样做。He considered resigning over France’s expulsion of Roma this summer—but did not.

我们没有得到有关我们组织被驱逐的任何解释。We have received no explanation for this expulsion of this, of our organization.

驱风''。'止痛'。''''。'剂'。''一种药物或药剂,引导气体从胃部或肠子里排出。A drug or agent that induces the expulsion of gas from the stomach or intestines.

他说他相信,全面驱逐基督徒的尝试正在进行。He said he believed attempts were under way for a general expulsion of Christians.

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教堂的钟声响了,标志着阿克萨斯人的军队最终被逐出埃及。The church bells pea led out to mark the final expulsion of Axis farces from Egypt.

没有看到在欧洲自第二次世界大战以来的种族灭绝行为是克拉伊纳驱逐?Was the Krajina expulsion an act of genocide not seen in Europe since World War II?

气源岩天然气进入储集层的排烃方式是直接排气,进入储集层形成气藏。The natural gas migrates from the source rock into the sandstone by direct expulsion.