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但它能成规模吗?But will it scale?

用40千瓦这个尺度来划分。With 40 kw this scale.

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羯磨在一盛大等级。Karma on a grand scale.

降低期望值。Scale Down Expectations.

小心刻度。Watch out for the scale.

硬水导致的水垢是怎么回事?What is Hard Water Scale?

但这与男女比例无关。But nothing on this scale.

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刻度在你们那边。The scale is on your side.

把药面均等称开。To scale medicinal powder.

请把您的旅游包放在秤上。Put your bags on the scale.

他们还没到这种规模。They are not on that scale.

小天平在这。I have my little scale here.

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世界媒体峰会的规模有多大?What about the scale of WMS?

红鲻鱼收拾干净。Scale and gut the red mullets.

那么,我们得到了大调音阶So, we've got our major scale.

看看这张照片,看看照片的比例。Look at the scale of the photo.

这个,它是一个半音音阶Well, that's a chromatic scale.

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多么伟大的温标。What a great temperature scale.

他在磅秤上量体重。He weighed himself on the scale.

这些都不过是时间尺度的问题。It’s all a matter of time scale.